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Join the Cult of the Outlandish Ego

About Me

I - I

How do I explain my Healthy Ego? I only love myself so much so that I can better love my beloved ones.Create your own beauty, its beyond more ravishing in the eyes of the gods.Mediocrity, the Conservative, the Right wing, the conformist, the Bland . . . and the crazies in the movie Jesus Camp . . . should be Obliterated.Opulent self indulgence is nothing without the gift of Compassion.This page is personal and for those who truly know and understand the true nature of my irony, my sarcasm, my droll wit, and my relentless hope for less ignorance and stupidity in this world. Also, if anybody finds me offensive, arrogant, or superficial from my personal page, then GOOD. I tend to keep the undesirables away with my own tactics.I am good at what I do. But it is not ALL that I do nor strive to do or accomplish. I have no interest in being bound by any industry.

My Interests

Elevating myself above the masses of celluloid mental waste in this city, in fact, this world. I am dismayed by how disabled this earth is. What constitutes celluloid mental waste? People who live vicariously, people who live in a mundane robotic state of existence, people who are phony wannabes, people who are Traitors, people who are Lazy, people who are unpassionate, lifeless, and dull. I treasure those who exude Confidence to say Fuck You to a world that tells you You Can't, You're too Wierd, You're too different, You're just Too Much.

I'd like to meet:

Anybody that has read UTOPIA and truly understood its connection to Karl Marx and Vietnam. Anybody who has been wooed by Thomas Hardy while pierced by the hauntings of Portishead. And of course, any Chameleon, Comedian, Corinthian Caricatures.I want to meet those whose lives would make it onto the list of my favorite movies. If you note, I don't care for those whose lives mirror vapid, artless useless entertertainment. Sooo. . . if your friends list consists of a bunch of made up asian girls or girls with big tits in string bikinis, PLEASE DO NOT EVER EVER ask me to me your friend. I have requested this before but for obvious reasons of stupidity , you still try. Please the hell don't. It insults my intelligience. I like who I like, and I definitely know who and what I like.SEEK OUT THE IGNORANCE AND STUPIDITY THAT LIES AROUND YOU and seek to destroy it.


Seduce to: Pioneer to the Falls by InterpolHaunt to: White Chalk by PJ harveyDream to : "All is Full of Love" by Bjork.Dance to : "Killing Moon" by Echo & the bunnyman.Travel wind to: "summer in Siam" by the Pogues.Be awakened to "Northern Sky" by Nick drake.Reward yourself with "Fade Away: Street Spirit" Radiohead.Be shamed by all that is the Pixies.Do some damage with INTERPOLBe a bitch to the Yeah Yeah Yeahs.Be a threat with "London Calling" the ClashPray for the depraved to Nick Cave's "weeping Song"lose yourself to "Pur" by the Cocteau Twins


the decrepit beauty of Grey Gardens......................... the gritty texture of My Brother's Keeper.............................. the exorcism of childhood in Children of the Underground the style and substance of CITY of GOD the uncomfortability of Deliverance Babel me This, Babel me That . . . just brilliant and confronting cry to the beauty and honesty of. . . VENUS be upset by religion with The Magdalene Sisters


Watch yourself. Be the television that you want to watch. ************************************But why must we LIVE IN A WORLD where the stupidity of brainless, witless irresponsible, Moronic, offensively dumb and useless girls, boys, and celebuwants, are raised on a pedestal for constant viewing?


I use books as my mirror. They were the playground of my self creation as a child and continue to be so. *************I honestly can't even finish a Vogue from end to cover. But, I thoroughly appreciate the very well researched and investigative reporting done by VANITY FAIR --- ESQUIRE ---- and the political articles published by ROLLING STONEPLEASE READ the article " THE GREAT IRAQ SWINDLE" in the #1034 (9/6/07) Issue of Rolling Stone magazine by Matt Taibbi. Why is there not enough Real Reporting done on the real atocities of what is happening? There is more coverage on astronaut diapers than there is on the insanity and outrage and disgusting acts done by this administration. It is beyond about Impeaching BUSH. Its about Imprisoning BUSH.


can't you tell? Quan Yin.

My Blog

Journey from the Fall ----- Released 2007

This is a film that I was the Costume Designer for. It just premiered in theatres this year and had been a darling of the film festival circuit, garnering a standing ovation duing all of its showings...
Posted by Bao on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 02:39:00 PST