This page is for a new group in the Tulsa area who are banding together to create a better music scene. We make no distinction based on genre of music, venue, performer, or instrument. Everyone is welcome to participate!
The goal is to work with artists, promotors, venues, business owners, community leaders, & fellow citizens to enhance the local scene by creating a higher awareness of local music & musicians of all kinds. We aim to network as musicians to help educate and share experiences to put Tulsa's local music on a professional level.
Keys to furthering your band:
- Work to get your music as strong as possible and fine tune any weak points.
- Get a professional sounding CD out. Even if you have the equipment to record, no artist should lose site of having a producer that has the knowledge of recording and the outside point of view. Just because you think it sounds good, alot of listeners will not give a poor quality recording a chance and automatically disregard it.
If your an artist or band that has just started out, you are better off releasing either a demo or an EP (around 6 tracks).
- When booking shows, come off as professional as possible. Have a press kit with a nice picture, bio, and a CD. Many venue's still do booking the traditional way by accepting press kits to their booking person.
- Once a show is booked do your best efforts to promote as well as possible. Chances are nobody know's who you are and aren't going to go randomly see you.
Myspace is a great promotion tool for online, but don't solely rely on it to get a crowd to your show.
E-mail the following websites about your upcoming shows...
Nothing beats hitting the streets with flyers. Go to record stores (local and national chains), music stores (Guitar Center), telephone poles, store fronts, ect.
Mass text messages or e-mails to your friends are always a good way of promoting.
Go to major concerts at The Cain's for example, and pass out flyers to the crowd.
- At your shows SELL YOUR CD's!
- Anytime you go to a show, network. This mean's just go up to other bands and start talking to them. People are more likely to come check out your music if they know you.