Wine, music, literature, politics, history, space, writing, current events, smart people, funny people, gardening, tomatoes cheese food, cats, recreational fabrication of elaborate falsehoods.........
George W. Bush so I could ask some pretty obvious questions and then berate him in a manner befitting an arrogant simple minded prick. Other than that, I can't really think of anyone I'm dying to meet, except maybe some dead people like Einstein or Darwin.
Everything from Green Day to Lucinda Williams, from Calexico to Mozart.
To Kill A Mocking Bird, Magnolia, Nobody's Fool, Lost In Translation, Big Fish, The Big Lebowski (anything by the Cohen Bros.), True Romance, American Beauty, Royal Tannebaums, Being John Malkovich, Bottle Rocket, Blue Velvet, Mystic River, Fight Club, The Ice Storm, Resevoir Dogs & Pulp Fiction, Repo Man, Glen Gary Glen Ross, At Close Range, Animal House, Sling Blade, Amadeus, Blade Runner, The King Of Comedy, Farenheit 911 & Bowling For Columbine, Buffalo 66, Rushmore, The Unforgiven, Lord Of The Rings...........
Six Feet Under, 60 Minutes, CNN, The Daily Show, Bill Maher, Dave Chapelle, Discovery Channel, The West Wing, The Comedy Channel, I pretty much loathe reality television ...........
Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates, The World According To Garp, Widow For One Year, Cat's Cradle, anything by Elmore Leonard, The Great Gatsby, Cannery Row, The Da Vinci Code, When Will Jesus Bring The Porkchops?, anything by Douglas Coupland, Sometimes A Great Notion, just about anything by Clive Barker, anything by Truman Capote-homogenius!, Ray Bradbury, anything by Harlan Ellison, Nick Hornby, Russel Banks, Chuck Palahniuk, Hunter S. Thompson, Peter Straub, Mark Twain, Edgar Allen Poe, JD Salinger, The Corrections..............
Why did this get erased? Ok, here goes. Bill Clinton, Al Franken, Bill Maher, John Stewart, Keith Olbermann, Nick Tobey, Triumph The Insult Dog, Hunter S. Thompson (RIP), Tim Robbins, Sean Penn, Arianna Huffington, Michael Moore,, Joe Klein, Joe Biden, John Conyers, George Carlin, Chris Rock, Michael Jordan, Rosa Parks, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Eddie Van Halen, Ray Bradbury.........