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www.jimnieb.com www.buyabush.com www.youtube.com/jimnieb

About Me

Please watch this video and if you think it's funny, and if you have a sense of humor you will I think, vote funny and tell a friend. Comment on Funny or Die too if you wanna.
See more funny videos at Funny or Die
Here is a short video of the out takes from Fun With War Crimes.
Try the BEST MySpace Editor and MySpace Backgrounds at MySpace
I live for the sound of laughter when I'm on stage. I can't imagine doing anything else in the world other than acting and performing. I tend to travel a lot. More often than I'd really prefer to to be honest because it's usually to do a gig or show and I don't often get a chance to see the city I'm visiting. I'm also an impersonator and have been earning a living being Austin Powers or most recently George W Bush. I like Canadians. They just seem like nice people. I'm loving playing on the kickball league I'm on! And I think people who drive like old people should have their own lane for driving or be driven by someone else.
height="328" width="400" data="http://crackle.com/p/Moving_Targets/Special_Presidenti al_Address.swf"> .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... From Crackle: Special Presidential Address
Here's my current theatrical demo.
Here's a video from a recent appearance on Japanese Television. Singing "Love Me Tender" with an impersonator of the former Japanese Prime Minister, Koizumi.
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Check out my commercial demo. What do you think?
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This is a video photo essay I made to show how Mike Marino (www.mike-marino.com) created the Bush make up you see.
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Here are a couple of quick videos of me as Dubya.
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You Are 28 Years Old
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.
13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.
20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.
30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!
40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax. What Age Do You Act?

My Interests

Outdoor activities are always a good way to go if you can get me to leave my place. Once I'm out though I love it. Hiking, biking, running, kickball. I love movies and comedy. Love to be in front of an audience doing comedy. I love to write when I get in a groove. Hanging out with friends just talking. Politics and being socially aware are important to me.

I'd like to meet:

My dad. He died before I was born so it would be nice to have actually met him. I always wonder what my life would have been like had he not died. How different would it have been? Other actors and comedians to network or for friendship. A studio exec looking for someone for their own sitcom. Friends from my past to reconnect. Steve Martin. Mike Meyers.


Music for me is really dependent upon my mood. I've intentionally listened to everything from rap to bluegrass to classical. It really does depend on what I'm feeling or want to feel. I think most music has value.


The Sting, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Remo Williams - The adventure begins. "The Tall Guy" with Jeff Goldblum, Emma Thompson and Rowan Adkinson. Cool Hand Luke. Most movies with a time travel theme. I would love to go back in time and change some things or at the least see WHY I did some things. I'm sure I'm not alone there.


I'll generally watch anything about space on Discovery or TLC. Cheezy shows about bigfoot or the Lochness monster or UFO's if I just want to turn my brain off and zone out. Daily Show and The Colbert Report. Those shows are funny and informative and they are brilliant...Usually. The old "Kung Fu" series which I've rediscovered on DVD and realized how influential that series was on me. Sad but true.


I enjoy Dean Koontz. The Road Less Traveled: M.Scott Peck, came to me at a good point in my life. Timeline (book not the movie), Time Travelers Wife (made me cry even though I knew how it was kinda gonna end). Just read Steve Martin: Born Standing Up and came to the realization of how much my sense of humor was tied to his early stuff. Reading it was like a time machine.


Interesting question. It's hard to find a hero nowadays. We are now a society who loves to kill our hero's and expose every little flaw until they spend their time answering inane questions and no longer can do what it is they do. Everyone has their own agenda now. However, the folks at the Daily Show. Stephen Colbert for going to the Whitehouse Correspondents dinner and not being afraid to say the truth in the middle of that den of vipers and just feet from Dubya himself. It takes guts to do what you believe no matter what consequences may be inflicted upon you. My Mom. Single mother who has raised (and in some ways is still raising) 4 kids on her own after going through a lot of loss, sacrifice and pain.

My Blog

Olbermann to Bush: "You are a fascist."

Direct with what he thinks. Using their words against them because nothing anyone could invent would be as damning.Jimhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY_1ZlzyW5k ...
Posted by Jim on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 09:07:00 PST

Soldier stories from Iraq

Happened upon this video on youtube and the personal stories are just terrible. War, all wars, are full of these types of stories. This war was 100% avoidable. These stories were 100% avoidable. G...
Posted by Jim on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 01:18:00 PST

Another video to watch and vote on, if you will

Yesterday was a singing nun. Today a certain sith lord. Hope you enjoy this video. I play Austin Powers in this playing the role of Simon Cowell. Watch the uncomfortable critics at the end. Pleas...
Posted by Jim on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 02:57:00 PST

Please watch and rate this video of me as Austin Powers

Please watch this video and if you think it's funny, and if you have a sense of humor you will I think, vote funny and tell a friend. Comment on Funny or Die too if you wanna.Thanks!!!Jimhttp://www.f...
Posted by Jim on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 09:58:00 PST

Rove voter fraud and McCain’s health

Posted as a bulletin by a myspace friend and I'm passing it on.The VP choice is very pertinent.JimPresident Palin ..They've already stolen 2008 Rove has already fixed the 2008 election Mc...
Posted by Jim on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 11:52:00 PST

Side by side tax plans of Obama and McCain

Proba bly not. At least if you are in my tax brack et I shoul d say. From my frien d Troy. I'm tryin g to find out his sourc e but this is a prett y good side by side compa rison . It will mean som...
Posted by Jim on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 11:39:00 PST

Tax plan details website

Here's a site showing some of the candidates plans for tax change.http://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxtopics/election_iss ues_matrix.cfmJim
Posted by Jim on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 11:38:00 PST

Deceiving McCain ads against Obama

Pop-quiz time McCainiacsQ:These ads are either:a: Misleadingb: Deceivingc: Liesd: endorsed by Senator McCaine: all of the aboveA: All of the aboveAnd this is your straight talking maverick?http://www....
Posted by Jim on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 10:14:00 PST

Special comment on 9/11

I know I'm posting a lot today but a lot keeps coming in to me and I think it's important to get the info and opinion out there.This is video from Keith Olbermann regarding 9/11 and the manipulation o...
Posted by Jim on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 12:26:00 PST

John McCain actually admits lying for ambition

This video of many of Mr. McCains comments over the years. Please watch to the end because he literally damns himself and his straight talk rhetoric. A very dear friend of mine said that the thing t...
Posted by Jim on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 04:17:00 PST