Myspace Layouts at / We are the world
Myspace Layouts at / We are the world
Exploration and a great meal! I travel a bit and have very little fear of seeing and trying lots.I like classic cars, ethnic foods...and definitely eating up. Cool friends and hang out as often as possible. I cook well and have friends over all the time...sometimes is just a couple of musician or poet buds..just digging deeper into the human condition, fixing world hunger and arguing of Merlot and Sideways. I'm defending Merlot. Staunchly so.Collect art and have about 110 paintings on my walls. Various periods and styles.Totally get into the smaller space of granduer. I'll drive across the country every now and then just to see things and hang out with the locals....and hear magnificent stories with simple people with fantastic spirits. Just way too cool.Great poetry. Well thought out of stuff...unless you're a genius, then just the instantaneous work.The sincere embrace.
Just like me! funny is that?Musical, aritistic...and otherwise creative spirits need apply. The world is too small not to say hello. Suppose the poet spirits of the world and those of faith and without. Anyone with a great opinion...especially one's that compel me to be a better man. I'm a bit of a traveler and love the spirit often folks bring in my path. Some face to face, others in a small passing by kind of way. Wishing a deeper plain speak folk....fact based opinionated commentators...those comfortable in their own skin. The artist within and expressed out. The gardner in perpetual blossom. The child ready to play.I'm up for coffee of so with anyone interesting. Poets a plus. Always willing and ready to I'm reminded daily of how much life is ready to teach.
For beginners, I do front U2 tribute bands occassionally. Used to be my main I'm an impersonator for the Man himself(great man). But otherwise my choices in music varies upon my moods. Sometimes some great Rock and Roll..contempory and classic....other times is symphonic Classical...and other periods Ella Fitzgerald hits it right.But these days....since fronting a couple of U2 tribute bands....listening to all the millions of songs U2 has 400 or so. What's up with that?Sam Cooke, Otis Redding, Billie Holiday, Ella, Glen Miller, Artie Shaw, Coltrane, fav.....lots of international stuff.Flamenco, Paco De Lucia, Paco Pena, Mexican Rancheras, Gypsy Kings...and other gypsy styles.Some older Dylan and his epic songs, Damien Rice, Frank Drennen, Snowpatrol, Jimmy Eat World, the Pogues, The Eels, Oasis, old Elvis, Sweet Honey In The Rock...and other negro gospel.Beethoven .. 9 and Mozart's Requim, Chopin's No 1 Concerto adagio.
The Shawshank all time fav, Tso Tsi, The Sixth Sense, Austin Powers, Nepoleon Dynamite, In America, The Commitments, anything from Ron Howard, The Lion King..."I just can't wait to be king". Then there's Silence of the Lambs.....yeah, what a great love story. "It rubs the lotion on the skin or it gets the hose again." I'm a cinema the list could take 5 or 6 pages.
Simpsons and 60 Minutes..that's it--if it happens. TV is usually covered with a cloth of sorts. Don't want the brain sterilization to take effect.
The classics and some great poetry...especially Pablo Neruda(have almost all his works in 1st Ed). On The Road, Angela's Ashes, the Bible, the Torah, the Koran, anything from Neiborh, Leaves of Grass, Poe's collection, The Closing of the American Mind, anything Dave Barry....Steinbeck, Tom Robbins, Camille Paglia, Marina Tsevtayeva--and other Russian novelists.
All the peacemakers and great contributors of this world...of all big and small elements. Jesus Christ, Straduvairius, Pablo Neruda, Eleanor Roosevelt, Nelson Mandela, Gershwin, Chopin, Leonard Cohen, my old man....the apostle Paul and John, Abe Lincoln, Andrew Jackson, Nicola Tesla, Bono, Anton Susmyer, Grandma Moses. That's just on Mondays....and of course, my father Vasa Willy Sfera(God bless his soul)