My sweet prince- Brian Molko. Thats my only dream. "The thing is it's your dream and you are aware of the fact that your dream could fuck up and that's scary. But you have to keep going otherwise you wouldn't be able to live with yourself. If you try your dream out and it doesn't work out and you become a casualty then at least you can say you tried. It's a risk. But in order to do it properly and put your whole heart into it you have to burn your bridges behind you." Thats what Im doing my whole life.My hero- Green day. I want to meet God.
Music is the most important thing in my life (except family and god). My favorites bands are: green day and Placebo. Green day keep me alive, when word dont like me anymore. And Placebo.. Brians voice is so beautifull...Its not just music. Its sky glue to butterfly. Its more than love, more than life. Im sure, that he is angle. He is my sweet prince. Without him Im nothing... I love too: Guns n roses, Queen,The Cure David Bowie I like: Arctic Monkeys,30 seconds to Mars,Billy,blink 182 tallent,sugar plum fairy,panic at the disco nd more more more. I love old music.
Girl interrupted, Back to the Future, Fight club, saw, real womans, LUSTER!!! LUSTER IS GREAT MOVIE!!! OTHER TITLE OF LUSTER IS "MUSE". Back to the future i the best film in all world! I love Michael J Fox! I like Winona Ryder, Angelina Jole, Johny Deep.
mtv de. GAY TV RULES!!!!!!!!!!:):):)( I realy like gays- there are hot!!)
Love reading! Its what I do in free time!!!! Books are great!!!Girl interupted, TheCather in the Rye, The underdog, The interviev with the vampire, Mondys are red, Barry Trotter and the shameless parody, all the books by: M.Musierowicz, K. Siesicka, J. Chmielewska, H.Snopkieiwcz, L.M.Mondgomery:) and "Lubiewo"