blockI'm the kind of girl who sings at the top of her lungs in the shower i have an amazing boyfriend name jeremy
I love to lay on my bed and listen to very loud music
I don't drink that much anymore or drugs but I do have sex but it depends on who it is
I'm not perfect
I've made mistakes in life
I know I'll make plenty more
I don't judge people, because frankly I don't have have any room to
My family is very amazing
I value friendship family and respect
HONESTY gains my respect
I can be very complicated person
I try to be as real as I can, but that can be hard sometimes
I'm a good person well try to be anyway
But it seems next to impossible to make people happy
I hate drama but it will always love me
But that's what I get for speaking my mind
It always comes back to bite me in the ass
I can definitely be quiet if I want though
Whenever I'm quiet,there's a million thoughts going through my mind or I have nothing to say right then
I'm in my own world most of the time
My mind is constantly spinning out of control
In other words, I think a lot
I won't respect you if you won't respect me
In my eyes respect is something you have to earn
I will treat you the way you treat me, that's just how it works
Money doesn't impress me
So close your wallet
I'm very passionate
I have a lot of compassion
I'm strong willed and opinionated
I'm great at hiding how I really feel
There are things I'm not proud of
Some things I dont regret and something I do regret
If you think you've figured me out, you haven't
I would have never gotten here without my family
You can draw your own conclusion about me..