i'm KYMM! -- a chicago lowbrow pop artist (a resident detroit gallery ©POP artist for over 10 years), jewelry crafter & graphic designer. despite how it may sound, the SACRED CHERRY isn't some prudish feminist concept... after working as a tattoo shop bitch way back when, i became engaged with the sacred heart as a pop-iconic image. bastardizing it with a juicy cherry just seemed natural.
so what else...
it's fair to laugh at everyone else only after you've learned to laugh at yourself (& believe me i'll laugh at you & i won't feel bad about it!). i wish muppets were real...
(all art & jewelry shown on this page was made by me...
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click the banner above for a magic cyberspace ride to my etsy store!
changing the subject
so it seems that myspace doesn't have a "find kymm! some nifty friends" button. so if you find me first, please let me know! and if i do find you, is it rude of me to assume we can be friends, or the internet equivalent thereof?
(p.s. i LOVE doing custom work! leave me a message if you need some!)
on the reverend horton heat's sleeper coach (sure i have a better photo, but this one amuses me on so many levels)
L2R: jim heath, me, jimbo wallace, scott churilla