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Dave Saunders

I am here for Networking

About Me

Dave Saunders

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The Case Against Aspartame on Squidoo


According neurosurgeons, neurologists, internists, clinical psychiatrists, and even a senior toxicologist from the FDA, aspartame is an 'excitotoxin' that literally excites nerve cells to death. In 1974 the entire panel at the FDA voted to prevent Aspartame from going to market but the political pressures of Searle President Donald Rumsfeld forced the approval through the system in spite of protests from doctors on the approval board.

Raw Milk on Squidoo

Letting you have access to raw milk releases control over the system and the economy of milk and milk products. Scaring you with stories of how raw milk can make you ill are silly when public data shows that far more people are made ill from pasteurized milk!Learn the facts about milk safety and decide for yourself.

My Interests

Hiking the Appalachian Trail, Horseback Riding, Reading, Skiing, Advanced Communicator (Toastmasters) Bronze, Vice President of Education: Capital Toastmasters I, Certified Nutritional Educator and Wellness Coach: ANA, Member of the American International Association of Nutritional Education (AIANE), Member Coalition for Natural Health


Hey Ya! Charlie Brown Style

Shake it. Shake It.Shake it like a Polaroid picture.........


Band of Brothers, Serenity, LA Story, If Lucy Fell, Real Genius, Matrix, Waitress, Braveheart, Gladiator, Usual Suspects, V for Vendetta, Fifth Element, Kill Bill Vol.1 and 2, Domino, Shaun of the Dead, Office Space, Sin City, Elizabeth, Fight Club, Ghostbusters, The Professional, Club Dredd, If Lucy Fell, Super Troopers, Beerfest, Hot Fuzz, Royal Tenenbaums, Superman Returns, Batman Begins, In Like Flint, Our Man Flint, The Princess Bride, Clue, The Life of Brian, Young Frankenstein, The Last Samurai, Pursuit of Happyness


Firefly,Beauty and the Geek,House,Family Guy, Futurama, The Office, Battlestar Galactica, Rome, Weeds, Pushing Daisies, Next Internet Millionaire, Heroes, South Park


Jesus, Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet, Robert Kiyosaki

My Blog

driving to PA

I'm glad I'm not driving by myself, but a four hour drive is still a drag. This workshop had better rock.
Posted by Dave Saunders on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 05:09:00 PST

11 Health Page on Squidoo!

My Squidoo page on the dangers of Aspartame made it up to 11 in the health section of Squidoo.com. http://www.squidoo.com/TheCaseAgainstAspartameI’d love to get it higher though. If you’re...
Posted by Dave Saunders on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 04:03:00 PST