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The survival of human inteligence has never been satisfacorily demonstrated.- Jeremy Stone

About Me

Alright general stuff I guess, yes I'm a real person not some random page. I AM NOT looking to hook up, my son got me started myspaceing, initially to help him network for his band, Sindicut. Since then I guess I got hooked so I'm just here to network and to make new friends. So feel free to invite me as your friend. I'd really like to meet new people, get some real friendships going here for some fun, maybe travel and who knows. Feeling like maybe life raced right by, what happened to to being allowed to be a Gentleman being able to communicate,(talk,laugh,listen) just be able to enjoy life and who your with! Guess I'm just a old fashioned. What else, I have a great union job, I hired out with the Southern Pacific railroad in 1995, who was taken over by the UP and so now I work for the Union Pacific railroad. I am very proud of both my kids above all else in my life they are my world. They probly think I'm mean but when they hit the real world I hope they realize what I was trying to teach them. They are both young adults and talking about moving out (school and work) it worries me but now I know what my mom went through. What exactly am I looking for I don't know I just know I'm ready to have fun, travel, laugh and whatever if that makes any kind of sense. I'm still a kid at heart I love to play games (cards,monopoly,scrabble,quarters, etc..). I have a competitive nature about me, it makes things interesting. The paranormal intrigues me. I play World of Warcraft. Anything else just feel free to ask me. ATTN: Marketers stay away! I'm not Buying, I wont spam you don't spam me!

My Interests

What ever my kids are into then the outdoors in general, sports, travel hanging with friends.WoW - Cinematic
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Racheal Ray, Sandra Bullock, Bill Murray, Chevy Chase, Terry Bradshaw, Randy Johnson, Brett Favre, Stan Lee, the list is too long....good thing I'm still young enough


At the moment my kids band Sindicut is top of my list. Feel free to add them to your friends list as well. I enjoy listening to just about everything, from heavy metal, 80's rock, oldies, southern rock, classical, mexican, a little country, depending on my mood some rap, and yes even DISCO, basically if its not random noise with no purpose I'll give it a chance. .Bobby Fuller Four-I Fought The Law-Alternate

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I've always been into horror movies especially the older black and white, I would have to include the comedy horror's as well such as Abbott and Costello. I'm kinda into the comic book super hero thing right now. Transformers was excellent!


If I watch TV which I don't really do alot of it would be ESPN, Discovery channel, History channel, Travel channel, Sci Fi, Food Network etc... I have kinda gotten into HBO's Big Love. Although I do wish they'd bring back the Bundy's, Married with children rocked


I'm kind of a hisory buff I'll pick up anything on WWI or WWII. Greek Mytholigy also intrigues me. The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons were great reads. I have just discovered Greg Isles writings and love his books. Anything by James Patterson or Stephen King. John Grisham I got bored of, he was all build up then let down at the end. Currently I am reading a book by Raymond Khoury called The Last Templar


I'm not a very big church goer I do believe in a higher power was raised Catholic so yes God tops the list but you gotta love this pic!

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My Blog

Shame on Gov. Bill Richardson

Gov. Richardson was running for Pres. on the platform he was the most QUALIFIED of any other candidate Dem or Rep then turns turns on his friends and backs a non experienced candidate? Politics as usu...
Posted by Ravot on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 09:15:00 PST

Presidential Primary Elections

With the Pres. election coming upon us I do have a pet peeve and that would be straight ticket voters do people not have the brains to vote for the right person for the job not just a person because t...
Posted by Ravot on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 06:16:00 PST

Romance isnt dead

All I hear and read about lately is how Romance is dead, its not dead Feminism just kicks in. Its hard to be a gentleman when women refuse to let you open doors, pay for diner and/or a movie, etc...&n...
Posted by Ravot on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 02:17:00 PST