Member Since: 6/3/2006
Band Members: chirodelic (psychonaut)
-air guitar and normal guitar screaming keyboerd + sampler back up vocalsfluvstar - air drums toy druming and real drumi- screaming keyborthe + samplerkey bored whoevers bovvered quiet alote in the last weeksbreaza boy- gizms - hanging on the line brusch air gitare air basealarm clock - alarming sound to the wake upflower - sits on bass drum for loveGROUPIES !!!!!!!!!!
everyone welcomed with big dreadfuldelicious smile - we have NEW MANAGER- marvin - WHO SAYS WE SHOULD B MORE ACTIVELY PURSUING GROUPIES CAUSE HE RATES HIS CHANCESGROUPY NO 1 : KRISTIN lusch
TOP MALE UNDERWEAR MODEL : BREAZA BOY - he used 2 b our lead singer but gave himself away- he is our most favourite geaza in the world and we love him
GROUPY 4, 5 and 6 : OVARIAluths
GROUPY 8 : NINAlusch
GROUPY 9 & 10 : Trash Aka Llusch
M.U.M. 2 : ALEXICO he is top geazaGROUPY 11 : YOUNG LIAR! luthDJ junkie munkieGROUPY 13 : MARIEKE lutheGROUPY 14 : VANESSA UK luzzeGROUPY 15 : MUSHABOOM luschGROUPY 16 : IVONNE lushGROUPY !7 : IRINA luthe
GROUPY 18 : PIAluth
GROUPY 19 : ANGIEluzze
GROUPY 20: KATGROUPY 21 : luthe KRIS TEEluthe
groupy 22 : MARYGROUPY23 : MAKE ART NOT WAR luschlusch SANDRAluthe ANDREAlusch MIA GODFEVERlusch OPHELIEluss ROMANCE BLOODY ROMANCEluthe BATMARIluzze MARIEluthe URBAN VINTAGE WEARlusch Stockholm Syndromelusch LILY LA LUCIOLEluss Ana Doc.luthe IUNOnumba:69 lusch jessieluth - ol, dirty geishaluth - kachy luth
Influences: gizms - muddy dreads - bare feet - childishdelic behaviour- smiles- fridges - room 4 - small drum kits - 2 amps on 1 guitar - md lo fi recordings- broken strings - river knickers - chaos hair growth - uncontrolable power surge- seizmic quantification and dicki terminations, laying on the grass - GIZMmmmmmm +-berlin,amsterdam -
Sounds Like: Sombody recons we sound like Japenethe Catoen Chain-saw massaka
we are very happy with this discription .
p.s. we play so loud that the neighburs are calling the police .lusch our mother things it s lusch (Japenethe Catoen Chain-saw massaka ) father just things it is not (Japenethe Catoen Chain-saw massaka ) but they dont like each other and they always argue he thinks have to go woerking becouse he never did and he wasted hith life so schouldn't do and waste time but he sad as wel as he was drunk that it is double becouse if he sad he would might be sadesfyght or even woers wouldnt be so he things it has an better effect on it grany thinks i think they just not under stand how it is woerking withe the internet and stuff .
we woerking on our new sound it is more disturbyng chillout
ambient noisedelic but we still sound like we sound like we sound like Japenethe Catoen Chain-saw massaka we love vintage organ sounds frome organs wiche people
throughe away and we get luschnes sound like Japenethe Catoen Chain-saw massaka lusch we sound like Japenethe Catoen Chain-saw massaka lusch lusch we sound like Japenethe Catoen Chain-saw massaka lusch lusch we sound like Japenethe Catoen Chain-saw massaka lusch lusch we sound like Japenethe Catoen Chain-saw massaka lusch lusch we sound like Japenethe Catoen Chain-saw massaka lusch lusch we sound like Japenethe Catoen Chain-saw massaka lusch lusch we sound like Japenethe Catoen Chain-saw massaka lusch lusch we sound like Japenethe Catoen Chain-saw massaka lusch lusch we sound like Japenethe Catoen Chain-saw massaka lusch
we r just pair of kunts and wear toilet peper in our ears with gaffa tape stuck over cause we play so loud u can hear us in toilet lusch we can leave our samples running in studio and sound check in toilet we have lots of flowers and feather duster lusch we r not aloud 2 smoke in room any more b4 9.00 pm so we dont suffocate other usicians ( unlusch ) we drink lots of beer but r toying with idea of making fresh orange juice we have lots of kables which we stuck gaffa tape 2 4 i.d. our neighbour looks down her nose at us cause she thinks we r scum and all the street idiots like 2 talk 2 us and scrounge 4 beer which is ok unless we r on the scrape and have nothing to give but dready smilez or rse of joint
Record Label: fluvvie Dreadrec Record Label
Type of Label: Major