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Dreadtrash / Dread Giveaways

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This image of the Planetary Energies in the Chakras is a chirotic image of the transformed human, who uses the power of the major life transits to evolve. Chiron rules the third-eye chakra, which gives us spiritual sight by guiding our initiations. Since healing ourselves ultimately is a community dynamic, the three great life transitions--Saturn return, Uranus opposition, and Chiron return--transform each one of us within the collective. The personal awakening of each individual is essential, and Chiron's sighting in 1977 heralded our collective awakening through the transformation of each individual.Hola wiked pedia recondsceee In Greek mythology, Chiron or Cheiron was held as the superlative centaur among his brethren. Like the satyrs, centaurs were notorious for being overly indulgent drinkers and carousers, given to violence when intoxicated, and generally uncultured. Chiron, by contrast, was intelligent, civilized and kind. He was known for his knowledge and skill with medicine. Sired by Cronus when he had taken the form of a horse and impregnated the nymph, Philyra,[2] Chiron came from a different lineage than other centaurs, who were born of sun and raincloud, rendered by Greeks of the Classic period as from the union of the king Ixion, consigned to a fiery wheel, and Nephele ("cloud"), whom in the Olympian telling Zeus invented, to look like Hera.Chiron married the nymph Chariclo who bore him three daughters, Hippe (Melanippe or Euippe), Endeis, and Ocyrhoe, and one son Carystus. Chiron, his wife and children lived on Mount Pelion.A great healer, astrologer, and respected oracle, the last remaining centaur was most revered as a teacher and tutor.[3]His nobility is further reflected in the story of his death as Chiron sacrificed his life, allowing humanity to obtain the use of fire. Being the son of Kronos, a titan, he was immortal and so could not die. So it was left to Heracles to arrange a bargain with Zeus to exchange Chiron's immortality for the life of Prometheus who had been chained to a rock and left to die for his transgressions. Chiron had been poisoned with an arrow belonging to Heracles that had been treated with the blood of the Hydra. (In other versions, poison Chiron had given to the hero when he had been under the honorable centaur’s tutelage.) This had taken place during the visit of Heracles to the cave of Pholus on Mount Pelion in Thessaly when he visited his friend during his fourth labour in defeating the Erymanthian Boar. While they were at supper, Heracles asked for some wine to accompany his meal. Pholus, who ate his food raw, was taken aback. He had been given a vessel of sacred wine by Dionysus sometime earlier, to be kept in trust for the rest of the centaurs until the right time for its opening. At Heracles's prompting, Pholus was forced to produce the vessel of sacred wine. The hero, gasping for wine, grabbed it from him and forced it open. Thereupon the vapours of the sacred wine wafted out of the cave and intoxicated the wild centaurs, led by Nessus, who had gathered outside. They attacked the cave with stones and fir trees. Heracles was forced to shoot many arrows (poisoned, of course, with the blood of the Hydra) to drive them back. During this assault, Chiron was hit in the thigh by one of the poisoned arrows. After the centaurs had fled, Pholus emerged from the cave to observe the destruction. Being of a philosophical frame of mind, he pulled one of the arrows from the body of a dead centaur and wondered how such a little thing as an arrow could have caused so much death and destruction. In that instant, he let slip the arrow from his hand and it dropped and hit him in the foot, killing him instantly.Ironically, Chiron, the master of the healing arts, could not heal himself, so he willingly gave up his immortality. He was honoured with a place in the sky, for the Greeks as the constellation Sagittarius, and in modern times represented by the constellation of the southern hemisphere, Centaurus.Chiron saved the life of Peleus when Acastus tried to kill him by taking his sword and leaving him out in the woods to be slaughtered by the centaurs. Chiron retrieved the sword for Peleus. Some sources speculate that Chiron was originally a Thessalian god, later subsumed into the Greek pantheon as a centaur.When Achilles' mother Thetis left home and returned to the Nereids, Peleus brought his son Achilles to Chiron, who received him as a disciple, and fed him on the innards of lions and wild swine, and the marrows of bears.Actaeon, who was bred by Chiron to be a hunter, is famous for his terrible death; for he, in the shape of a deer, was devoured by his own dogs. The dogs, ignorant of what they had done, came to the cave of Chiron seeking for their master, and the Centaur fashioned an image of Actaeon in order to sooth their grief.The Muses were, according to some, those who taught Aristaeus the arts of healing and of prophecy. Aristaeus discovered honey and the olive. After the death of his son Actaeon he migrated to Sardinia.The great medicine of Asclepius is based on Chiron's teaching. Apollo killed Asclepius' mother Coronis while still pregnant but snatched the child from the pyre, bringing him to Chiron who reared him and taught him the arts of healing and hunting.Aeson gave his son Jason to the Centaur Chiron to rear at the time when he was deposed by King Pelias. Jason is the Captain of the Argonauts.Medus, who some call Polyxenus and others Medeus, is the man after whom the country Media was called. He was the son of Medea by either Aegeus or by Jason.Medus died in a military campaign against the Indians.Patroclus's father left him in Chiron's cave, to study, side by side with Achilles, the chords of the harp, and learn to hurl spears and mount and ride upon the back of genial Chiron.Peleus, father of Achilles, was once rescued by Chiron: Acastus, son of Pelias, purified Peleus for having killed (undesignedly) his father-in-law Eurytion. However, Acastus' wife, Astydamia, fell in love with Peleus, and as he refused her she intrigued against him, telling Acastus that Peleus had attempted her virtue. Acastus would not kill the man he had purified, but took him to hunt on Mount Pelion and when Peleus had fallen asleep Acastus deserted him, hiding his sword. On arising and looking for his sword, Peleus was caught by the centaurs and would have perished, if he had not been saved by Chiron, who also restored him his sword, after having sought and found it. Chiron arranged the marriage of Peleus with Thetis, bringing Achilles up for her. He also told Peleus how to conquer the Nereid Thetis who, changing her form, could prevent him from catching her. But others say that it was Proteus who helped Peleus. When Peleus married Thetis, he received from Chiron an ashen spear, which Achilles took to the war at Troy. And as they say, no one among the Achaeans was able to wield that heavy and huge spear. This spear is the same with which Achilles healed Telephus, by scraping off the rust.[edit] Modern referencesChiron has been adapted for more recent fictional works, most notably in Dante's The Divine Comedy, in which he is the chief guardian of the seventh circle of Hell, and in Goethe's Faust (Part II, Act II, scene 5, the section titled "Lower Peneios"), where Faust seeks Chiron's aid in his search for Helen of Troy and receives important lessons in his search for complete understanding.John Updike's novel The Centaur is an expansion and interpretation of the story of Chiron, set in the context of 20th century small-town America. Chiron’s name, and the underlying mythology, serves to inform many of the root words connected with the ancient healing arts, e.g. cheiromancy, or the art of divining the will of the gods through the interpretation of the patterns of the hands.Chiron was written to be a close friend and mentor to the Amazon Wonder Woman in that DC Comics book.Chiron is also a sort of wavelength emitted by GUILT in Trauma Center: Under the Knife. The test is actually called "Chrial test"Chiron is a controllable unit in Age of Mythology – a mythology based real-time strategy computer game developed by Ensemble Studios and published by Microsoft Studios. Chiron is a Greek hero and is the equivalent of a cavalry archer. He is first encountered in the seventh episode of the campaign, "More Bandits" where he is being held captive. After being rescued Chiron accompanies Arkantos and Ajax on their adventures in Greece, Egypt and the underworld.Chiron is a race in the Star Wars Expanded Universe, a race of centaurs. A notable member of the race is Lusa, a Jedi Knight and Healer.Chiron (kye'-r?n, IPA: /--ka?r?n/) is a planetoid in the outer solar system. Discovered in 1977 by Charles T. Kowal (precovery images have been found as far back as 1895), it was the first known member of a new class of objects now known as centaurs, with an orbit between those of Saturn and Uranus.Although it was initially classified as an asteroid, later dispute arose as to whether it was an asteroid or actually a comet. Today it is classified as both, and accordingly it is also known by the cometary designation 95P/Chiron.Chiron is named after the centaur Chiron in Greek mythology. It should not be confused with the largest moon of Pluto named Charon, discovered in 1978.Chiron's orbit was found to be highly eccentric, with perihelion just inside the orbit of Saturn and aphelion just inside the orbit of Uranus (thus, it crosses Saturn's orbit, but not that of Uranus). It attracted considerable interest because it was the first object discovered in such an orbit, well outside the asteroid belt. Chiron is now classified as a centaur, the first of a class of objects orbiting between the outer planets. Centaurs are not in stable orbits and will eventually be removed by gravitational perturbation by the giant planets, moving to different orbits or leaving the solar system altogether.It has been calculated that in 1664 BC Chiron approached Saturn to within approximately 16 million kilometres; only 3 million km further away than Saturn's largest outer moon Phoebe, and within the orbital radii of many of Saturn's newly discovered minor satellites. Chiron is probably a refugee from the Kuiper belt.Physical characteristicsIn 1988 it was found that Chiron was undergoing an outburst in brightness (by about one magnitude), which is behaviour typical of comets but not asteroids. Further observations in 1989 showed that Chiron had developed a cometary coma. At the time of its discovery, Chiron was close to aphelion, whereas the observations showing a coma were done closer to perihelion, perhaps explaining why no cometary behavior had been seen earlier.Chiron is officially designated as both a comet and an asteroid, an indication of the sometimes fuzzy dividing line between the two classes of object. The term proto-comet has also been used. At approximately 180km across, it is unusually large for a comet nucleus.Since the discovery of Chiron, quite a few other centaurs have been discovered, and nearly all are currently classified as asteroids but are being observed for possible cometary behavior. As of March 2006, only one has been observed to have a cometary coma: 60558 Echeclus, which now also has the cometary designation 174P/Echeclus.There are also three other non-centaur asteroids that are also classified as comets: 4015 Wilson-Harrington, 7968 Elst-Pizarro, and 118401 LINEAR. The centaur 60558 Echeclus is also cross-listed as comet 174P/Echeclus.im a dread and have 86 dreadlock lusch or luthe but want to have more dread..s at leest over 90 i like to go 4 spychonautic travelings and count my dread..s and say lusch very often im a had les chicken looking for an panic attack like to make lusch music & having fun in different way's try to find my way in the chaos no master plan, very often stubenhokering around alot and more if imake pizza i dont care for pree heeting and the time just doing some but somtimes want to be more normal so i get it out of the gabig bag again but i do it difrent anyway luschhttp://www.myspace.com/dreadgiveawayis one of my projectsi like to ride on lidle biks so i looke like a cunt and somtimes i fall very hard unlusch sssssssssssss but it is fun luschWarum the Frage is simple why we are who Wir werden fragen wer wir sind and who the hell are we when we ask where wir sein werden we wenn wir werden was wir sind...

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Member Since: 27/07/2006
Band Members: Me and me and i and chirodelic and la pose la delic and forget sombody..
Influences: lots of dope & other substances & good music ruigoord adm robodockVery lusch new year jam SMILLING SUN
Sounds Like: meCHIRON = No pain, no gain! Ms. Chiron is considered a large asteroid. But let’s refer to her as a heavenly body, shall we? This is the healing planet; to heal oneself and to heal others. As out of darkness comes light; from each wound comes a lesson. Generationally, Chiron is forcing us to see how we’ve mistreated earth, and is pushing us to fix our planet. Individually, we all have our own crosses to bear–and repair.oh i nerarly forgotenOn February 14, 1996, the enigmatic object Chiron reached perihelion inside the orbit of Saturn and on April 1 it reached perihelion opposition, its closest approach to Earth. Chiron is unusual because it has a detectable coma, indicating that it is a cometary body, but it is over 50,000 times the characteristic volume of a comet, a size more commensurate with a large asteroid, which it was initially assumed to be. Furthermore, its curious orbit is unstable on time scales of a million years, indicating that it hasn't been in its present orbit long. Chiron was the first of bodies discovered so far with similar orbits and properties. These bodies have been designated Centaurs, after the race of half-man/half-horse beings from Greek mythology, in recognition of their dual comet/asteroid nature. Chiron is named after the wisest of the Centaurs, the tutor of Achilles and Hercules.Chiron's highly elliptical 50.7-year orbit has a semi-major axis of 13.7 AU, a perihelion of 8.46 AU, and an aphelion of about 19 AU. For reference, Saturn is at 9.54 AU and Uranus is at 19.18 AU. The orbit is inclined 6.93 degrees to the ecliptic plane. Estimates of Chiron's diameter range from 148 to 208 km, and lightcurve studies give a rotational period of 5.9 hrs. A gas and dust coma, which varies with time in both size and brightness, has been observed about Chiron's nucleus. The diameter of the coma has been measured to reach almost 2 million km in diameter on occasion, and the brightness can fluctuate by a factor of four over a period of a few hours. In addition, a gravitationally bound "dust atmosphere" appears to be suspended in the inner 1,200 km of the coma, and this dust displays evidence of structure, indicating the possibility of particle plumes emanating from the nucleus.After Chiron was first discovered by Charles Kowal on November 1, 1977 (on a photographic plate taken on October 18) and designated 1977 UB, earlier views of the object on photographic plates dating back to the 1895 perihelion were recognized. Images of Chiron near aphelion in 1970 showed that it was bright even at that great distance from the Sun. This along with evidence of a coma as early as 1988 indicated continuing surface activity and coma production at low temperature. This points to super-volatile substances such as methane, carbon monoxide, and molecular nitrogen, which can sublime at these low temperatures from the surface of Chiron, as being the source of the coma.Two separate arguments indicate that Chiron has not been in its present orbit for more than a few million years. The first is that Chiron's orbit is unstable on time scales of about a million years to perturbations from the large outer planets. The second argument involves the super-volatiles sublimating from Chiron's surface. It is estimated that at Chiron's current orbit these substances would completely vaporize in a few million years, so the fact that Chiron is still active means it has not been in this orbit that long. The fact that Chiron must have come to its present state from another location in the solar system has led investigators to look towards the Kuiper belt.The argument that Chiron is an escaped member of the Kuiper belt is based on a number of lines of reasoning. Gravitational perturbations from the giant planets should occasionally force Kuiper belt objects into Neptune-crossing orbits from which they can evolve into orbits like the Centaur's. The similarity in size between Chiron and the discovered Kuiper belt objects makes this a likely source. Asteroids are also in this size range, but the observations of a coma on Chiron appear to rule out an asteroidal origin. The evidence that Chiron still retains super-volatiles which would only persist for long times at lower temperatures than it presently experiences indicates a colder source region, beyond Chiron's present orbit. The data gathered by the Chiron Perihelion Campaign should help determine if Chiron is indeed a former inhabitant of the Kuiper belt.
Record Label: FLUVVIe Dreadrec
Type of Label: Major

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