abfab, abstracts, absurdity, acceptance, aclu, adbusters, agnosticism, andy warhol, art, astral charting, avoidance, beadwork, black/white photos, buddhism, burlesque, castles, communism, cooking, cool shoes, dancing, daydreaming, deconstruction/reconstruction, detachment, discovering new stuff, dorothy parker, ego boosts, the enneagram, escapism, existentialism, feminism, flirting, foreign flicks, friedrich nietzsche, geocaching, good friends, green party, hiking, hockey, holding hands, homeopathy, hot sex (haha), indie films, insolence, insomnia, introspection, irony, isolation, journaling, karl marx, kids in the hall, kinder-eggs, korean food, laughing, libraries, long showers, making a difference, making out, mind expansion, monogamy, naral, oddity, organic gardening, origami, ousting dubya, overthrowing governments, painting, people watching, photography, pop art, pro-choice, public broadcasting, pushing limits, reading, rock tumbling, running, sarcasm, scheming, sensory overload, sewing, simone de beauvoir, sketching, sleeping, stompy boots, stormy weather, subterfuge, subvertising, surrealism, thinking, thrift stores, tolerance, touch, vegetarianism, vintage clothing, wanderlust, wide open spaces, winter nights, wormholes
willingness to groove on a different wavelength...
you aren't feeble minded, monotonous, oppressive, mean-spirited or vengeful. you lack pretension, proselytizing, passivity, apathy, greed, desperation, and other such degrees of negativity.
favourite writers include margaret atwood, charles bukowski, pema chodron, noam chomsky, betty friedan, bell hooks, germaine greer, margaret mead, anais nin, flannery o'connor, chuck palahniuk, sylvia plath, gloria steinem, alice walker