Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, outer space, V-Twin motorcycles, vodka and music. In no particular order.
I'd like to meet:
You. Just you. I already know everybody else I'd ever want to meet. Anyone else I would have wanted to meet is dead. (John Lennon, Keith Moon, Ben Franklin, Jesus)
Here at Danger we've just put finishing touches on albums by Dying Season, The Few, Senior Discount and Lemon Lime Tennis Shoes . All four albums were recorded, mixed and mastered here at Danger, and all are available through CD Baby or at the respective bands' gigs. Do yourself a favor and buy all four!
The 1995 release by mega-metal rockers Meliah Rage , titled "Death Valley Dream", was recently re-mastered at Danger for re-release by Screaming Ferret Wreckords, to coincide with Meliah Rage's new album, "The Deep And Dreamless Sleep", which is also being released in September, and was recorded, mixed and mastered here. Everybody make the sign of the horns...
WBRU Rock Hunt finalists Resin , whose full-length release "Truth Be Told" came out in February, are back in the studio, already working on material for a follow-up.
No shortage of big drums and loud guitars on the debut album being recorded by rockers Rise - they're currently working on vocal tracks, and should be into mixing by the end of September. Big congrats to Rise for winning the first round of the Bodog Battle of the Bands at the Middle East in Beantown on Sunday 8/27. Now you guys need to go on and win the million dollar recording contract, and take me to Cali for a vacation while we make an expensive album with somebody else's money!
We're VERY excited about the upcoming compilation that is the brainchild of Kenny Ruhle of DooshBags fame; it is slated to include no less than fifteen bands, and is scheduled to be recorded in mid-September across two marathon weekends. It apparently wasn't enough for Kenny that The D-Bags just released "American Nympho", a must-have item for your mom (that is, if your mom loves loud, punky rock songs and has a twisted, disgusting sense of humor).
The Entrance are putting finishing touches on their full-length album, and should begin mixing within the next couple of weeks. Chaotic, inventive, and intense, this album will be a killer...
Rap-rockers Mastamindz just mixed and mastered a new track, "Back Again", for inclusion on an upcoming compilation slated for national release. Further details to follow...
We just finished mixing & mastering the debut album by Emily Smith & All That , a three-piece outfit with acoustic guitar/vocals, percussion, and a Mallet-Kat, which is a vibes-like midi controller that triggers all kinds of cool sounds, from steel drums to piano. Very different, and extremely cool. They have yet to develop an internet presence (what the hell?), but they're worth seeking out. They're bound to be doing gigs in & around ProvTown, if you can catch them live, it'll be worth your while to go (and pick up a copy of the CD while you're at it).
How about you?
Are you looking to make a major label quality release on a limited budget? DANGER Multitrack Recording offers something that most local studios do not: experience. For over 20 years we've recorded some of the best musicians in the area, and we have hundreds of full-length album releases to show for it. All of the bands pictured below have recorded here recently - you can go to their pages to hear some of what they've done here. Unfortunately, MP3 conversions don't do sound quality any justice, but you can contact me for a sample of our work, or better yet, make an appointment to visit us and let us get to know you. DANGER offers a full range of recording, mixing, mastering and production services at rates you can afford. Contact us today for more information and - PUT YOURSELF IN DANGER!
Anything that's in tune and performed with some degree of sincerity and enthusiasm. Extra points for loud guitars.
Eraserhead, Caddyshack (of course), The Wizard Of Oz, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Boondock Saints, Dawn Of The Dead
Farscape, Conan, South Park, Law And Order, Family Guy, Twin Peaks and Farscape.
Naked Lunch (William Burroughs), The List Of Seven (Mark Frost), Candide (Voltaire), The Oxford English Dictionary, and any Calvin and Hobbes Collection. I love reading instruction manuals for newly acquired gear, especially on the toilet.
We don't need no stinking heroes. (Except my dad)