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Music, music and more music.
Sharon Osbourne and Dick Clark. And of course YOU!..
This is a LONG list. Let's see... I LOVE the Poptart Monkeys. (they're on here, look them up, give them a listen and tell them I sent ya!!) F5...(they're here too.) Nickleback, Motley Crue, Ozzy, Def Leppard, Disturbed, System of a Down, Bon Jovi, Zep, Stereo Fallout...(they're here too. what's up STEVE-O), Collective Soul, Silvertide, Five for Fighting,
KISS (although Gene Simmons is a dick!), Howie Day, Scorpions, Ratt....If I list them all I'll be here forever. Rock and roll, hard rock, metal, 80's Hair bands, etc.
Horror, Comedy, Drama. All time favorite movie is Fast Times at Ridgemont High...HELL YEAH!! House of 1000 Corpses, Terms of Endearment, Helter Skelter, Bringing Down the House, Set it Off, Summer of Sam, all of the American Pie movies....again, too many to mention.
Ghost Hunters, UFO specials, Weird Travels, E! News. You know, whatever entertaining "junk food for the brain" show that's on.
True Crime, Stephen King, Jackie Collins and pretty much any kind of rock and roll "biography" books that you can imagine. You know, like Up and Down with the Rolling Stones, Motley Crue...The Dirt, Tommy Land, etc.
My Dad! I miss him very much.