IveWokenNow is up all night profile picture

IveWokenNow is up all night

I'm not really 26. Ask me. oh, and impress me with who you are, not who you know!

About Me

Myspace tweaks at TweakYourPage.com
Just the facts...READ 'EM ALL before we talk. I got a lot to say and you should be prepared. There will be a quiz.
I am 5'8" and blue eyed, frustrating, complex, generous, stubborn, and slightly obsessive with random things. I am a little intense at times. I thrive in chaotic situations. I am a creature of habit, but I also fly by the seat of my pants when it comes to picking up and changing my plans.
I write poetry. Check out my blogs. I am an open book. Read me. I dig studying people, their actions, habits, and body language, and eat it up when someone catches me off guard.
I am of Eastern European heritage. By the zodiac, I am a Cancer (sensitive and intuitive, devoted to family, a gourmet, afraid to be mocked, considerate and empathetic, finely tuned to the environment and the emotions of others, impatient, creative, artistic, often psychic or clairvoyant.) If you believe in any of that stuff, that is.
I don't like racist/sexist people, but I love a good salad. Optimists say the glass is half full, pessimists say half empty...I have ADD so I say, now where the heck did I put that glass?...
Contact me directly at [email protected]
Things I know:
* I would rather be shocked by the truth than disrespected with a lie.
* I could eat Chinese food every day.
* I get drunk very fast.
* The catering people at the Germain Amphitheater in Columbus Ohio make a great vegetarian shepherds pie.
* Strangers follow me into bathrooms to tell me they like my hair.
* I should smile more for no reason.
* It bothers me when people do bad things while wearing my clothes.
* I may forgive, but I never forget.
* I don't stomp my foot and cross my arms and pout; I leave 'em in the dust with their mouths hanging open wondering what the hell just happened.
* I always take three days to decide if plotting revenge is really worth it.
* I like the word catharsis.
Me between Jeff LaBar (Cinderella, Naked Beggars) and Lenny (Sexual Chocolate with Marq Torien, and now Tongue N Groove). Jeff said, "Come here, let's make a pig sandwich!" and I went, "HEY!" He pointed at Lenny and said, "No! We're the pigs! WE'RE the PIGS!"
Me with Jacoby Shaddix from Papa Roach. He told me he loved my hair. I told him I could do the same thing to his hair, hahaha...
Mark Rojas, Ryche Green, me, and Dave Weeks after the CockFight show at RPM's in Pittsburgh. I'm not telling which one of them walked outside naked at 5 a.m. NOTE ADDED LATER: Ryche posted a bulletin regarding my photos on his myspace that said, "I would like to give a big overdue THANK YOU to my friend Michon for being my biggest fan and also for all the photos she seems to nab of the good times and not so good!!! You Rock!!;)" _RYCHE_ You can see the photos of him at www.myspace.com/Ryche_King. Check them out!
Joe LeSte (Bang Tango, CockFight) and me in Pittsburgh. Nice ensemble, brother...boots and a bathtowel...haha...
Michael Thomas (CockFight, formerly of Fastback, Faster Pussycat, Vagabonds) and me in Pittsburgh.
Me with Chip Z'Nuff of Enuff Z'Nuff at RPM's in Pittsburgh.
Me and CC, May 2007.
Eric Brittingham sporting a new look...goatee gone, hair it's natural color...I didn't even recognize him until he talked to me.
Me with Lenny Round and Bryan Jones (Jeff LaBar's former guitar tech, now working with Evanescence).
Me and Marq Torien.
Lonnie Vincent, Ryche Greene, Charlie Wayne and me after the BulletBoys opened for Cinderella and Poison in Columbus, OH July 30, 2006.
Me with Ron Keel. This was taken after his guitar was knocked over and broken. Several of us tried to get him another guitar, but he Crazy Glued his and got through the show and ROCKED.
Me and Lisa at Peppers.
Me with Marq Torien of the BulletBoys in Pittsburgh on Labor Day weekend, 2006.
Me and Charlie Wayne, Cadillac Jacks, Summer 2006.
This is cool, a BulletBoys fan snapped this picture of me with Lenny and Charlie at the show on July 30 2006 and emailed it to me! Thanks, April! Evidently, I'm riding a pretend motorcycle and I've almost hit Charlie and Lenny is pointing at me and telling me to slow down...I don't know...
Eric Brittingham (Cinderella, Naked Beggars), me, and Inga Brittingham (Naked Beggars) in April, 2006.
Daniel MacMaster, me, and Bruce Calwell.
The absolute coolest picture I have ever taken...It was about 4 in the morning and Ty from the Poptart Monkeys was spitting fire for the very first time. I'm so proud. Go see them play. I promise, you will be entertained. And don't worry about getting your eyebrows singed; I don't think he does this on stage...(note added later: I just saw a video on You Tube of him doing just that...let me go find it...)
Me with Tyson, Matt and Chris of PTM.
Me at an "AA Meeting" with Asking Andy helping me celebrate my birthday.
Things you will want to know about me when I'm famous...
* I have one freakishly long fingernail.
* My favorite holiday is Halloween...

* I almost died when I was five.
* I get irrationally angry when people criticize something I really like.
* Normal people have four wisdom teeth; I had six.
* I taught myself Spanish while living in El Paso, cuz there you either have to know Spanish or just listen for your name...
* My favorite fruit is the granny smith apple, preferably with caramel.
* I once slept all night in the back of my car in a parking garage in a major metropolitan area.
* One of the coolest feelings is wearing a shirt to bed that belonged to a guy I was diggin'.
* Although I always thought it would be interesting to be a detective, my secret desire is to own a restaurant/club where I would also be the bartender.
* I have ADD - oh, look! A chicken...
* My biggest pet peeve...when someone drops an ice cube on the floor at night and doesn't pick it up and it melts and in the morning I come down in my socky feet and step in a cold puddle. I HATE wet socks!!!!
* I watch sitcom reruns on Nick at Nite to lull me to sleep.
* I don't eat orange M & M's.
* I wasn't popular in high school; I was kind of a freak.

...and I had BIG hair...it was the 80s!
* I've been pierced 15 times but have 12 piercings; been tattooed four times but have three tattoos.
* Some of my best friends I met online.
* I have driven over three hundred miles to see nationally known bands perform, and almost a hundred miles to see "local" bands. ***record broken in May when I hauled my cookies 477 miles to Columbus, Ohio to hang with my rockstar friends. Read my blogs.
* If I go to a club to see a band I like, don't expect me to leave and go somewhere else. I'm there to support the band, not for the atmosphere, the clientele, or the drink price.
* I do advertising and promotion for a local club and act, or try to, as the bridge between bands and the club so that accurate information is put out to the public so more people get out and SUPPORT LIVE MUSIC!
* I am involved with a magazine called Shinbone, a free Pennsylvania monthly music magazine. It ROCKS.
* I do photography for bands, either posed or candid/live shots.
* I run a little promotion company - IveWokenNow Promotions - so watch for that name tacked onto music festivals coming soon at Mossy Point Campground in Elysburg.
* My favorite concept is serendipity.

Recent photo shoot...March, 2006. Taken in Centralia, a town with very few residents due to the underground mine fire that causes sinkholes to appear at random. It has been burning for years. In the warmer months, smoke rises from cracks in the ground and in the winter, snow will not accumulate in most places and steam hisses out of the openings in the earth. It's COOL.
Me, Lenny, Laura, Ryche, and Nikki actin' silly for the camera!
Wanna see me in a bikini?!
Smokin Guns Tattoo Parlor in Milton, Pa, where I got my industrial piercing in 2005. I saw industrial piercings on the internet and thought I could be the first kid on my block to have one.
Jim, you left us too soon...

My Interests

Smashin' stuff in my house (more refined people call it "remodeling"), refinishing furniture, building stuff, writing poetry/prose/songs, cooking, gettin' my hands dirty, traveling...oh, and checkin' out live bands...

I also like playing Twister. This is a game that went horribly wrong. Me, Mick, Jen, Penny and Andrew at Gullifty's, June 24, 2006. I think my leg was up over the chair next to Mick, my foot was under Andrew's back, and I'm not completely sure whose hand is on top of mine.

I'd like to meet:

I've already been fortunate to meet some very talented and cool people, but I would love to meet Shaun Morgan of Seether...

...(I dig scary sexy guys) or a really nice, sweet guy with long hair and a great smile and a quirky sense of humor, who maybe rides a motorcycle and is a little rough around the edges, who walks with attitude, is no stranger to the tattoo parlor, might have something pierced, takes care of his own, is appreciative of small things...somebody who looks like he'd be right at home in a biker bar, but I could take him to church and not think twice about it. Somebody who could grab a guitar and jump on stage and rock your socks off, but who puts his napkin on his lap when he eats. He'd have to accept my independence, cuz I believe I can do pretty much whatever a man can do AND give birth

What kind of guy am I attracted to physically/appearance? Think Criss Angel, Dave Navarro, Bo Bice, Tommy Lee, Bret Michaels, Shawn Michaels, and Shaun Morgan all rolled into one! Hey, I shoot for the top! I'm not into the traditional model-like good looks; you can be attractive and yet not fit into that cookie-cutter image.

the obligatory "my ideal mate" spiel:

if you are artistic...
if you are musically inclined...
if you thrive on affection and enjoy being spoiled...
if you are honest...and can REALLY flirt...
if you love animals...
if you like taking and looking at photographs...
if you have faults and overlook mine...
if you believe pure unselfish love exists...
if you don't mind public displays of affection...
if you can have fun no matter how stupid you look...
if you can need me as much as i need you...
if looking into someone's eyes does it for ya...
if laughing in bed is a priority...
if you have a beautiful spirit and a colorful past...
if warm skin is one of your favorite scents...
if you believe in hug therapy...
if you think laughter really IS the best medicine...
if you have long hair i can walk barefoot through...
if you are at least my height, no age restrictions...
stop reading, find me, we could be beautiful together, for a moment - or more.

You Are Scary

You even scare scary people sometimes! How scary are you?

How scary am I? Me at the local mausoleum...

...and for a leisurely walk among the dearly departed.


I LOVE gothic, ethereal music, new rock, hard rock, metal, some funk, classic rock, ballads, southern rock, 80s rock, anything that makes me FEEL.
I adore Amy Lee from Evanescence - saw them at an outdoor venue in Virginia this past summer with Seether and Breaking Benjamin. The sunset was to my left, the navy shipyard to my right, and a full moon behind me. It was EXCELLENT. Saw Evanescence again on October 10, 2006, and managed to say hello to Bryan for a whole twenty seconds. Saw them AGAIN on April 2 and again, said hello to Bryan for twenty seconds, maybe 21....

My friend, Chris, from Smokin Gunnz and the ever popular Felix the Cat shirt.

Chris again...managed to introduce him to a photographer I know who took this great shot.

Canto 6 - wow, these guys are HOT! They are the whole package! Check them out on my friends list...

Canto 6...amazing...

Some bands I dig: Seether
Breaking Benjamin
Coheed and Cambria
The Cult
Finger Eleven
12 Stones
Edwin McCain
Jann Arden
Pearl Jam
Three Doors Down
The Eagles
...hold on...my cats are licking each other in the window and it's toying with my attention deficit disorder....
ok, I like old Metallica
Sarah MchLachlan
Alannis Morisette
Indigo Girls
Natasha Beddingfield
The Fly's
- Josh is in a new band now called Living In Exile...good stuff
Gene Loves Jezebel
Velvet Revolver
Sammy Hagar
old Whitesnake
James Blunt
Tommy Conwell and the Young Rumblers
Motley Crue
Papa Roach
LA Guns
Enuff Z'Nuff
Danny Elfman
Lita Ford

Most 80's rock
soooo many more, hard to list them all.

Smokin Gunnz
Asking Andy
Yada Yada Yada
Rise Phoenix Rise
Point Blank
Emily's Toybox

Shoot The Moon
Poptart Monkeys

Me and James Balogach from PTM.

Bo Bice, Hollywood CA, April, 2005.

Check out the bands on my friends list. They are all incredible.

"87 Days" Marq Torien - my absolute favorite song in the entire world. Thanks, Marq.


MY FAVORITE MOVIES: Red Dragon, Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, The Doors Movie (Val Kilmer as Jim Morrison?! Scoop me up a big old plate of THAT!), The Count Of Monte Cristo...many others...

MY FAVORITE MOVIE QUOTE: Chevy Chase as Clark W. Griswold in National Lampoons Christmas Vacation, "I'd like Frank Shirley, my boss, right here tonight. I want him brought from his happy holiday slumber over there on Melody Lane, with all the other rich people, and I want him brought right here with a big ribbon on his head. And, I want to look him straight in the eye and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no good, rotten, floor-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-ass, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed, sack of monkey sh** he is! Hallelujah! Holly Sh**! Where's the Tylenol?"


ER! I talk about the characters like they're my next door neighbors...

lots of stuff on TLC; Trauma: Life In The ER, Trading Spaces, Design on a Dime, Dog the Bounty Hunter, Moving Up, House, Gene Simmons Family Jewels, all sorts of home improvement shows...

for the chuckle factor, Frazier, Roseanne, Will and Grace, Friends...

and for the really big laughs, Whose Line Is It Anyway....makes me giggle til I pee....


I love medical suspense novels, horror that is tastefully done, Silence of the Lambs, Malice, Hannibal, Red Dragon, The Great and Secret Show and other Clive Barker stuff cuz he's twisted, The Cradle Will Fall, Primal Fear, and anything that makes me lay wide eyed in bed with the covers pulled up to my chin, afraid to sleep....but I also like poetry! My favorite poem....
After A While...Veronica A Shoffstall
After a while you learn
the subtle difference between
holding a hand and chaining a soul.
and you learn
that love doesn't mean leaning
and company doesn't always mean security.
And you begin to learn
that kisses aren't contracts
and presents aren't promises
and you begin to accept your defeats
with your head up and your eyes ahead
with the grace of a woman
not the grief of a child
and you learn
to build all your roads on today
because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans
and futures have a way of falling down
in mid-flight.
After a while you learn
that even sunshine burns if you get too much
so you plant your own garden
and decorate your own soul
instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
and you learn that you really can endure
you really are strong
you really do have worth
and you learn,
and you learn
with every goodbye, you learn...
This is one of mine...
Careful ceremonial nocturnal arrangement
of acrylic and rayon adjacent.
Touching reminds me how you felt
beneath me.
Within it I am within you feeling
comfort, warmth and
something I said I never wished to be.
Proximity inevitable, a novelty anticipated.
Too good to be true, and then it wasn't.
Humbled, gathering myself unblinking
less than arms length away
near enough to touch fingers to lips.
An apparition, preliminary
embrace, then floating in your wake
gently dropping plates of armor.
Before you, a vessel
cracked and worn
but carefully polished, and you
looked inside.
Taken furtively, and then lifted
with both hands,
eyes wide, with lips parted
you drank me in
and swallowed.
and another of mine...
Act IV Scene III
Sweet slumber, as languidly my heart
lies next to me in his hand.
He is afforded the luxury of sleep.
He has nothing to lose
and I gain only the opportunity
to speak to him, to say the things
I couldn't say to open eyes
or conscious mind.
As he drifts,
his silence means concentration,
rather than indifference.
He doesn't have to listen,
as long as he hears me,
as long as I can whisper in his dreams,
void of rational thought.
A hollow spirit crusades
through fog and blackness
for something to hold;
blind hands outstretched,
fingers begging for contact,
reaching into nothing,
praying for creation,
something from emptiness,
substance from a vaccum.
A full, beating, healthy heart
can be constructed of warm breath,
of kisses and promises,
common things, touch, memory
but you can't build a heart
from body parts.
Trampling his intentions,
his reasons, numbered, I can crush
with a boot or a breath
here in that place
of unconditional trust.
In times of waking
I was convenience,
last resorts,
like the final teammate adopted by default.
But here, between the sane and the surreal,
one more opportunity for
a captive audience
and I am author, actor, director
of a play, pointless
yet cathartic
and this, my last curtain call
of the ultimate encore
is a performance
different from the rest.
The dialogue will end.
The last word, my own.
Imaginary applause as the curtain falls
but this time, the novelty of
this finale is,
as the house lights go on
and his eyes adjust
he may notice something missing
. Not just an empty stage
where someone special once stood
but where once slept
that heart of mine.
At his side now
an empty hand
and far away,
a slow door closes, as in a dream,
the faint sound of farewell.


Nobody is perfect. I don't idolize anyone. I do have a lot of respect for my grandmother, a very strong woman. She was independent, outspoken in a polite way, loving, generous, kind, wise beyond what you could learn in school, poised, proper, emotional, full of tradition, and tolerant.

My Blog

General Lee low on oil, rockstar sammiches, and leftover pancakes

Thanks, Gary, for posting the General Lee on my comments.....Gary was in my car on Saturday night......er, Sunday morning when I misjudged the height of a divider on the highway...I thought it was a t...
Posted by IveWokenNow is up all night on Tue, 22 May 2007 08:24:00 PST

Let's clear the air right now...

Have to get something off my chest...it's not like any of my friends can't do this every other day of the year but on this day especially I'm giving you the opportunity to tell me straight up anything...
Posted by IveWokenNow is up all night on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 07:46:00 PST

Being me is FUN...

Wowie, I had fun last night.  I was at the local night club for the Somber show.  I was behind the bar.  I had guest bartenders.  I love guest bartenders.  Especially sexy on...
Posted by IveWokenNow is up all night on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 02:29:00 PST

Hangin' out with Rockstars!

What a crazy weekend!  I couldn't figure out whether to make the subject of this blog "friends" or "music" but then I realized that in my life, those two words go hand in hand. I didn't get home...
Posted by IveWokenNow is up all night on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 12:03:00 PST

My weekends ROCK

Be prepared, this is a long one.... ANOTHER great weekend! I left for Columbus, Ohio, Saturday morning around 9 a.m. and it was a HOT July day. I pulled into the parking lot of the Thirsty Whale at ab...
Posted by IveWokenNow is up all night on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 09:45:00 PST

Beer growing out of the sink...haha, jen...

My weekend started on Thursday this past week.  I worked all day until 5pm and then changed in the bathroom at work, checked my oil, got gas, and drove to Blawnox. Where's Blawnox?  That's ...
Posted by IveWokenNow is up all night on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 06:35:00 PST

weekends starting to run together....

Weekend of May 27th or something, I don't know they're all starting to run together.... Friday night went to the Peppermint in Sunbury to support Canto 6. If you haven't heard or heard of this band, ...
Posted by IveWokenNow is up all night on Tue, 30 May 2006 08:46:00 PST

backtracking - weekend

Backtracking - sometime between Naked Beggars and Rockstars, Lesbians and Slick 50... I was supposed to go to Nashville, TN, a few weeks back but my plans fell through an hour and a half before I was...
Posted by IveWokenNow is up all night on Tue, 30 May 2006 08:19:00 PST

Rock Stars, Lesbians and Slick 50...

So I'm back again from another adventure...have been communicating with "Hollywood" for a couple of weeks. He mentioned that Marq (Bulletboys) and the guys from his current band Sexual Chocolate were...
Posted by IveWokenNow is up all night on Thu, 25 May 2006 07:19:00 PST

Crazy weekends...I love my life!

I haven't had much time to spend on the computer lately so I'm going to try to do this by weekends....let me say that the weekend of April 21-23 was probably the very best, most fun, coolest weekend ...
Posted by IveWokenNow is up all night on Sat, 13 May 2006 04:32:00 PST