Hello, and thank you everyone for stopping by to listen and experience the unique sound of J.C. Munzinger. //J.C. Munzinger is 22 years old and lives in Tempe, AZ.You will notice right away that in J.C. Munzinger’s compositions he will use many different sounds to establish an intense yet beautiful emotion.Currently, J.C. Munzinger is writing/working with the band Jennifer Justice And The Trilogy Sun...The band will soon be done with the debut album and hitting the road, to spread the word and music. The dates for Jennifer Justice And The Trilogy Sun’s upcoming tour will be announced shortly!To check out Jennifer Justice And The Trilogy Sun, go to....http://www.myspace.com/jenniferjusticethetrilogysunTha
nk you again for coming on a musical adventure.I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V4.4
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