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living life to it's fullest
All the past manifestation of me...
El derecho de vivir en paz....I wanna give you some good loveDidn't you know.....Esta cobardia de mi amor por ella ....keep your head up Te recuerdo Amanda
Godfather I and II, Heat, La Bamba, Old Skool, I Like it Like That, Rocky I, II And III, Love Jones, DO the Right Thing, Shes Got to Have it, and Cry Freedom
The U and ME TV Goodtimes, Sanford Son, The Facts of Life, the Jefferson... Yes, I know I got to get with the times....
The Little Prince( my favorite book) most of Isabel Allende, though she does have a couple of that are wack, Rain of GOLD, Down These Means Streets, In Time of the Butterfly
my family