Lesa profile picture


I'm new to Portland. Be my friend?

About Me

MyGen Profile GeneratorI take lots and lots of pictures.
I love eating with chopsticks.
If I can't see my feet in the water, I panic.
I've never done an illegal drug.
I stopped drinking soda, but i'll never give up sweet tea.
I've never eaten at Jack-in-the-Box.
I'm obsessed with Hello Kitty.
I'm in denial of my lactose intolerance.
I get uncomfortable when people stare or compliment me.
I have a limited knowledge of cooking from scratch, and would like to change that.
Challenge me to a game of darts after I've had a few drinks and i'll kick your ass.
I'm fascinated by hot air balloons, helicopters, and blimps.
I like making mix cds, or generally just sharing the music I listen to.
I'm slightly addicted to Bubble Tea.
I miss spending time with my brother and sister.
I enjoy making people laugh.
I'm in the longest and best relationship of my life.
Movie Marathons are fantastic.
I'm an active participant of 'Sloth Sunday'. Ask me about it.
Chicken is delicious.
Been hooked on Bonne Bell Dr Pepper chap stick for at least 12 years now.
I want to sky dive really bad, but I'd probably pee my pants.
I'm learning how to communicate my feelings instead of pretending I don't have them.
In love with stationary.
Gum enthusiast; I love trying new flavors of gum!.

My Interests

AIM , Beards, Boba Tea, Bobbleheads, Bonfires, Checkers, Chicken, Chipotle Burritos , Clappy Songs, Chocolate Orange, Chocolate Covered Raisins, Discovery Channel, Dr Pepper Chapstick, Eating With Chopsticks, explodingdog.com , Flav-or-ice, Flickr , Flip-Flops, The Food Network, Frisbee, Google Video , Hello Kitty , Hip Bones, Haircuts, The In-ter-web, Jack Daniels, Last.fm , Long Weekends, Lunch Dates, Magnets From States I've Visited, Mix CDs, Music, One Inch Buttons, Photobooth Pictures, Photography , PixelgirlPresents.com , Road Trips, Sleeping, Sloth Sunday, Sharpies, Shows, Snail Mail, Stars, Stickers, Sudoku, Sugar Gliders , Sweet Tea, Thrifting, Traveling To New Places, Trying New Restuarants, Yahoo!, YouTube

Moblogging... Click here for pictures

I'd like to meet:

Dave effing Grohl!
People who greet their friends with a hug or kiss.
Others that are obsessed with Sanrio.
The guys from the Sonic commericals.
Old friends from Illinois.
Vince Vaughn.
Anyone that enjoys sitting around a fire outside.
Or someone that has bonfire parties. (invite me!)
Paul Ruebens.
Boozers, but not alcoholics.
Breakfast burrito enthusiasts.
Someone with a knowledge of wine that could teach me.
Or someone to go to wine tasting class with.
People that don't swear in every sentence.
Fans of live music.
Hot Air Balloon pilots that don't mind taking their friends up, UP, and away.


If you want to see more, check my Last.fm page.


16 Candles, Anchorman, Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, Blues Brothers, Cool As Ice, Crash, Dirty Work, Donnie Darko, Empire Records, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Fight Club, Garden State, Girl, Little Miss Sunshine, Mallrats, Me and You and Everyone We Know, Office Space, Old School, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Pretty In Pink, Shopgirl, The Three Amigos, Tommy Boy, The Sandlot, Serendipity, Spiderman, Walk the Line, Wayne's World, Weird Science, Wet Hot American Summer, Zoolander


Will and Grace, The OC, Conan O'Brien, My So-Called Life, Unwrapped, Your Friend Andrew WK, Pee Wee's Playhouse, Dirty Jobs, Mythbusters, Project Runway, House MD, Grey's Anatomy, The Secret Life of..., America's Next Top Model, The Office, Weeds

My Blog

Life Goal: partial check

Gabe and I went to the Oregon Zoo today. I was happy to see that not every animal on exhibit was laying down (like they did in Phoenix).However, the one animal that I was most excited to see... the Tw...
Posted by Lesa on Sun, 26 Aug 2007 11:10:00 PST

Showbiz Pizza was the bomb

I spent a few birthday's at Showbiz Pizza when I was little. (That's me and my brother Joe)Now the majority of them have been changed to Chuck E Cheese... and they're not as 'cool' in my opinion.A fri...
Posted by Lesa on Tue, 07 Aug 2007 05:56:00 PST

Protection From The Sun: Half Assed

Gabe was in Rhode Island  for a few days and  he came home yesterday afternoon. I figured he'd have a tan, or slight sun burn... but I never would have imagined THIS!He told me it was a spra...
Posted by Lesa on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 09:36:00 PST

Game night!

Con, Rebecca, Ceclia and I went to McMenamins Chapel Pub last night and decided to have some drinks and play some games.They had Yahtzee and Uno, so we went with that.Halfway through Yahtzee Rebecca r...
Posted by Lesa on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 12:42:00 PST

Give me your $$MONEY$$... please?

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Light The Night Walk is the nation's night to pay tribute and bring hope to thousands of patients battling blood cancers and to commemorate loved ones lost.If you...
Posted by Lesa on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 04:33:00 PST

Stay put!

I'm coming to Phoenix for Labor Day Weekend... and I can hardly wait...>Wed Aug 29 1528 Depart PORTLAND OR (PDX) at 6:55 PMArrive in PHOENIX AZ (PHX) at 9:35 PM Mon Sep 03 2...
Posted by Lesa on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 01:36:00 PST

The REAL Lisa Simpson (in Matt Taylors pants)

I opted to make my Simpson's character with short hair, cause I kinda want it that short again. -- Hmmm.Everyone should make one, and then show theirs by leaving a comment.www.simpsonsmovie.com... If ...
Posted by Lesa on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 12:19:00 PST

My birthday weekend.

Early Saturday morning Gabe and I headed 5 hours south of Portland to a little town called Fort Klamath, Oregon. My friend Jenn from Phoenix and her husband Paul were there with Jenn's family (they ow...
Posted by Lesa on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 11:02:00 PST

Google Survey

(Yes, I've done this before.)Answer the questions with images from Google. 1. Age you will be on your next birthday:2. Your favorite color:3. Your middle name:4. Current crush:5. A bad habit of yours:...
Posted by Lesa on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 10:49:00 PST

Just a questionnaire... it helped me pass some time.

1. Where's #1 on your top 8? he's at work. 2. What is your favorite possession?maybe my camera? 3. Do you own a gun? nope. 4. If you could tell your last EX something what would you say?i basically...
Posted by Lesa on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 03:33:00 PST