I hope you will take the time to look
at all the things on my page. You will know me a little after seeing all the things I am passionate about.
Thanks, Bren :)
You can visit my website by
clicking this logo below:
I would love to end war, abuse to animals, world hunger and global warming.
Oh, and also,
Rescue Dogs Rule!
Click here for
Breed Rescue Groups
Here is the latest dog we fostered, and then decided to keep. We were told she was a Min Pin mix when we first got her. She was dumped behind a Dollar General Store by the dumpster. Who could be this cruel? It was 18 degrees when she was found. She was shivering really bad. Thank God she wasn't found dead. I believe that some humans are worse then the devil.
She has grown quite a bit and I really think she is a Manchester Terrier mix, rather then a Min Pin mix.
To visit our local humane society page, click the link below. My husband Lisle is the webmaster.
If you don't have a charity to put into Good Search,
please put in "Unicoi County Humane Society".
We are raising money to help our new shelter. We will earn one penny for every search you do.
Just click the link below and save it to use again and again.
The animals thank you.
As local humane society members, we support the education of spaying and neutering your pets. Please don't feel like your new puppy or kitten needs to have a litter for the experience. They do not need to do this to be great pets. Also they will have less of a chance of getting cancer if they are spayed before a litter. Teach your children that there are enough unwanted puppies and kittens already in shelters. Please be educated on the facts of how many do not find good homes. Just call your local shelter, you might be surprised.
We do not support animal breeders also known as puppy mills. There are far too many wonderful pets in your local shelters. Buying a cute puppy or kitten from pet stores keeps these monsters in business.
Sign the Wolf Petition!
I support our Earth mother in her fight against the abuse she has endured over the last 100 years. Think about it. Look how fast we went from candle light to being as bright as daylight in some areas of the USA. The sattelite photos are shocking. Horse and buggy to cars. Look how many highways there are now. Small general stores to huge malls and warehouse type stores. There has never been as much progress ever then there has been in the last 100 years. It isn't too late to try to reverse the damage. Just replacing five light bulbs in your home to compact florescents will save the earth the same amount of pollution as what one car would do in a year. And you save money on your electric bill. We did every light bulb in our house for around $50.00. I noticed we saved the very next month. Recycle what you can. I just save mine up and then take it away once it builds up. Some areas have recycling bins.... please use them. Paper, Plastic, Glass and Aluminum cans can be used again. If we all do our part, there will be a Earth for our grandchildren.
The original people of this country knew how to live in harmony with the land. They only took a small amount from the forest, leaving enough for it to replenish.
We must preserve land for the wildlife that is being pushed out of their natural environments due to sprawling. If you can, set up a wildlife habitat in your backyard. Please visit nwf.org for more information on how to qualify for a sign like this one.
I am against racism of any kind.
We are all faced with "Choices"
from the moment that we open our eyes in the morning to the moment we close our eyes at night....
"Choices" are the things we do automatically, even when we are faced with really serious "Choices".
I have noticed some people take longer to order food from the Menu at the restaurant than they do to make Life changing decisions!!!
What! you say, Who would take less time making life changing Choices than ordering from a menu at a restaurant?????
Ordinary Good People do each day....
If we all could know to slow down and take the time to go inward to ask our inner Spirit for help with the Major decisions we will receive Creators guidance.
We will be directed to Pray and ask Creator what we need to know. We need to be reminded to do this every so often.
The answer comes to those that will make the "Choice" to take the time to be quite and listen to what the answer is when it is sent to us...And to believe it is the answer from Creator we need to pray on it and see if it feels right.
That is one of the problems most people don't realize that they have been answered, because it is not the answer or the way the answer is sent that they were expecting!!!
"Choice" of having Expectations!!
Once again getting in the way of hearing the Creators answers to us.
Be Quite and listen be ready to hear, be expecting to hear are feel the answer to the questions you are asking and you shall.
My Choice today is to share these thoughts and ideas with each of you, to where maybe these words will remind you of what you can do for answers to your questions.
Nothing is ever really handed to us there is work to do towards every thing we do or need as well as our Spiritual life and World. This way we are being given the choice to help Creator to help us see what we are to do and how..
Maxine Fulghum
When the power of LOVE,
overcomes the love of POWER,
then the world will know PEACE
Find the Freecycle in your area.
With the recent scare on pet food, why would anyone want to buy from a company that uses Menu Foods to begin with???
They test on animals, animals die...
what is wrong with this picture?
Should we test products on our children?
Because my pups are just like children to me.
Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so love the people who treat you right, forget about the ones who don't, and believe that everything happens for a reason.
If you get a chance, take it.
If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy,
they just promised it would be worth it.
Harvey Mackay
"We are not here to Preserve Tradition,
we are here to Live It!"
~Leonard Peltier~
Charlize Theron - Puppy Mill.
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When the white man discovered this
country Indians were running it.
No taxes no debt, women did all the work
White man thought he could improve on a
system like this.
Old Cherokee Saying
Lost in a Lost World
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Brother, you say there is but one way to worship and serve the Great Spirit. If there is but one religion, why do you white people differ so much about it? Why not all agreed, as you can all read the Book?
"Red Jacket"
Check out my husband's page. Also my daughter Amanda's page, and my two son's. Jason/Redconfetti and Christopher.
The Moody Blues are my favorite band ever.
But I love many other artist.
If you visit my page often, you will see I like to change the music.
I love Native American music as well, so nice to connect with the ancestors of America.
And the soft rock of the 70's, pop of the 80's, alternative of the 90's.
Mostly songs that make a difference. Lyrics that matter.
Lost in a Lost World by Mike Pinder, ahead of his time.
Imagine by John Lennon, how profound he was.
And I love the band Evanescence.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Jimi Hendrix
Romance, comedy, suspense, mystery, drama, and some action.
Any crime show, most reality shows, some sit-coms.
Boston Legal, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives.
Animal Planet.
The Wind Is My Mother
Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee
My mom, my husband's mom, all of my older brothers and sisters.
My husband and my best friend Nancy.
All those that walked before us on this sacred ground.