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The First Lady of GodCore

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Nicole S. Peacockaka‘Poka’ In an arena of music marred by a reputation of pretentiousness, and over emphasis on the gritty-side of the testimony, we have a welcomed breath of fresh air. Nicole S. Peacock aka Poka brings a new breeze to the hazy and often stuffy stage of hardcore Gospel Hip Hop. She’s attempting to redefine this controversial genre of music with the presentation of what you might call classy, divinely inspired lyricism over anointed Holy Hip Hop beats.Tremendously influenced by her relatively volatile upbringing, and the struggles she faced as a young single mom, Poka’s been rapping for eight and half years, three of which have been in the arena of Gospel Rap. Growing up mainly on the streets of Brooklyn, New York immersed in the culture of Hip Hop but still aware of the call of God on her life gives street credibility to her rhymes and lends authenticity to her message. It is a message that speaks of a struggle with living right or just simply letting loose, a reality of many a young Christian that is often swept under the rug of our churches.Poka takes no prisoners, and certainly pulls no punches as she lays bare her ups and downs with staying faithful, and walking the Christ walk. She gave her life to the Lord back in the year 2000, but soon backslid feeling the pressure of raising a son, whose now ten years old and a younger brother, whose now fifteen, after the unexpected passing of her mother. This is a tragedy in her life that Poka still pulls inspiration from in her heart wrenching tributes to her mother. She has since recommitted her life to the Lord making that step in the year 2003. She is on fire for the Lord, a saved, sanctified, Holy Spirit-filled rap practitioner for Christ.On her debut album, Poka penned the track, Questions to relate the ordeal of being violated and the challenge of taking on the role of mother before she was ready. Her lyrically charged, beat riddled sonnets don’t only tug at your heartstrings they also wax poetic, as she asks if God is crying for her when it rains. Another track Beautiful Saturday is an ode to God’s ability to paint beauty within the tapestry of life in a world that tries to surround us with evil. G.O.D. (GEE-OW-DEE) is a love dedication shout out to the one that rules her world.Poka is a faithful and committed member of Love Fellowship Tabernacle of Brooklyn, New York. And this East New York headquartered house of worship is no stranger to the Gospel Hip Hop world having as its leader, world-renowned and popularly dubbed Pastor of Hip Hop, Overseer Hezekiah Walker, who too has served as a constant inspiration and role model of integrity to the music that glorifies Jesus Christ with a contemporary edge geared toward the youth.Poka’s interest in Gospel Rap is not merely as an entertainer but is more so as a minister. Her pseudonym POKA actually stands for Power Of Kingdom Advancement. She has a vision for her music to first witness and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ through rhyme to a generation that has found it difficult to reconcile their musical taste with that of what is considered long standing acceptable forms of praise and worship. Poka also hopes that the sung words of her testimony would give hope, encouragement and life to young, elderly, believer and unbeliever alike who may be in various stages of life, and connect with a familiar place in her songs. She hopes that through her music the lives she touches will be led to seek Christ even the more.Poka currently works under the tutelage of a great friend, mentor, brother and manager Daniel Cherenfant aka D’Block of Godcore Music. At present, she is single yet dating with an eye for marriage some day soon but in the meanwhile diligently looking out for fam while steadily ministering to souls through song.New Artist Bio-prepared exclusively by Hugh J. HarmonAnother Scripts & Scribes M E D I A Production©POKA CONTACT: REGARDING SHOWS, CONFRENCES ETC EMAIL BLOCKCITY MY MANAGER [email protected] OR CALL GET POKA ON THESE MIXTAPES SUPPORT MY DUDE DJ I-ROCK JESUS SUPPORT MY DUDES AT PO SOUL RADIO PUMPING THAT GODCORE MUSICTUNE YOUR RADIO TO THE AFTERNOON PRAISE WITH MY PASTOR

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Member Since: 5/30/2006
Band Website: godcoremusicgroup.com
Band Members: POKA DA 1ST LADY CONTACT INFO MY MANAGER BLOCKCITY AT [email protected] /[email protected] ( ..
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Influences: Jesus the king of kings Overseer Hezekiah Walker, mother , father my baby and lil bro Troy and my dude the Blockcity.CDBABY LINK for POKA: So Blessed The EP --

Sounds Like: ONE OF THE BEST FEMALE MC'S OR MC TO TOUCH A MICpokas performance 1
Type of Label: None