---------VENUE: 734 Woodfield Rd. West Hempstead, NY 11552
ADULTS ONLY | doors open 8:30 pm | showtime @ 9:30 pm
COST: $15 Advance (available via PAYPAL| $20 @ Door |
BUY 3 Adv tkts 4th FREE |
DATE: Saturday TBA
FREE Appetizers | CASH BAR | Directions available online
For more info contact:
[email protected]
Visit us at www.CLUBANEUH.com------------------------
Graphic Designer: Jamarrian. J
Goal:To make your design come to life(graphically).
The j3 Studio is a business without boundaries.
Services include: logos, business cards, Event flyer's, Postcards, CD Covers, Posters, Web Banners and more. Affordable prices. If you're looking for a designer I'm you man.. Please contact me at
[email protected]
and tell me all about your business! Jamarian---------------
This is not a personal profile, we plan monthly/bimonthly Christian Nightclub events and other social happenings...............Aneuhaus Entertainment a Christian Entertainment/Events Planning company started Club Aneuh Christian Nightclub in April 2005; because of the lack of Christian evening venues where the average person could interact with their peers, without the influence of drugs, alcohol and sexual carousing. Our mission is to be used by God as a bridge for man back to God.
Our Nightclub provides a safe place where adults can come and enjoy an evening of live entertainment, fellowship, networking, light appetizers, dancing all in a Christian ambiance. Aneuhaus Entertainment – Club Aneuh events sets a platform for upcoming artist of all genres to showcase their talents, such as musical artists, fashion designers, musicians, and comedians.Christian events 411, www.christianevents411.com the Online Christian Event Source for whats happening in your area.