what is this going on????
so it's all cold and breezy here again and all the dog fur is flying around while we are making filmic moments and i'm wondering what the fuck is going on in this world of mine and i keep typing and the cursor is going all screwy in the other sentences and what IS that?
The Cure, Dresden Dolls, NIN, Tori, PJ, Wolves howling, Death Cab for Cutie, Faith & The Muse, Cocorosi, Sophe Lux. the Birthday Massacre. clocks ticking. I was reminded "The Orb" today.
constantly reading "Loba" by Diane DiPrima. currently reading the want ads. does anyone read this junk anyway? just got a new one titled "the madonnas of leningrad" by debra dean. Tragic can be the loss of memory...
Artimis, Butch Blessings to you Lakota George on your journey into the Dreamtime.