Hades profile picture


Hey, name's Hades, Lord of the Dead...hi, how ya doin'?

About Me

Hey, Lord of the Underworld here...and I'm the hot headed villain everyone LOVES to hate. Admit it, I'm AWESOME. Compared to any other villain of my time and age and even BEYOND that, I'm in a class all my own. I'm unique, walk my own way, talk my own talk, do my own thing,y'know what I'm sayin'? Sure, I'm an evil, cold hearted son of a bitch, but HEY...I'm a great guy to bring to a party and I'm just dyin' for a good time. HA! "dyin'"? Get it? *buh-dum-TSH* I might of been around since the dawn of time itself, but screw it, I'm still as ambitious as I always was. *evil grin* Y'never know what this flametop's cookin' up. (what the hell? They can't get my age right? Whatever...I guess I'd be the equivalent of my 50's if mortal?...*shrug*..who the fuck cares?)Anyway... Being the Lord of the Dead is no picnic...Nevertheless, even though I rule the darkest and most gloomy of netherregions, I'm always just kiddin' around...I'm a nice guy {When I WANT to be}...I have NO patience...and hardly any sympathy for anybody or anything....LOL! Just messin', just messin'....and my temper?...Just DON'T get me mad...ok?....Unless being burnt to a pile of ashes is your idea of fun or something, you sicko....BUT, to cut this short, I'm just your average, obnoxious, sarcastic, evil, cold hearted {yet handsome}, charming, smooth talkin', ego centric Lord of the Underworld...and I'm lovin' EVERY minute of it! HAA HAA!!! Badda bing, babe, badda bing! I'm always up for meetin' new people...even if ya are a little strange..I mean, LOOK AT ME, I don't have room to talk, HA! So, yea, drop me a line, whatever, yadda yadda and I'll get back to ya ASAP, ok? Great, fantastic, we're doin' business now, cha-ching! Overall: Welcome to the madness that is me. Might as well enjoy your stay, right?
Time to add some INFO to clear up some "Frequently Asked Questions"...or, better yet, tell ya SHIT you NEED to know.....even though, I already know, regardless of if I clear it up here and now, I'll still be asked the questions that could easily be answered by reading this, but, what the hell, I'll do it for my health. *sarcasm* *ahem* To start off, NO, I am no longer with Persephone. YOU people can get divorces and shit...why can't I? Seph and I had our little thing but hey, I move on, ok? She still works down here and all, I mean, sure...but, no, as of NOW, we're not together. AND I didn't friggin rape her, THANK you VERY much. I may be an asshole, but I'm not THAT bad. I'm the ladies' man of the Olympian family tree here, c'mon, whaddya take me for? Besides, PLEASE do not take the myths word for word WHATEVER you do. I HOPE you people realize that shit is ridiculously unstable. Seriously, back in my day? The myths were just political ventures to bring bad names upon gods/goddesses that other gods/goddesses didn't favor. (hence why I got a pretty bad name...those douchebag Olympians spreadin' sick rumors about me just cause they don't like me for reasons I CANNOT come to understand. THAT'S why I got a bad rep...but hey, I make it look GOOD, don't I? *wink*) HEH, and you mortals fell for it. How amazing is THAT? *laugh* Also, I'm no longer with Hecate, either, the witch of the night..nah, I moved on from her, too. (DAMN, I'm a playa) ANYWAY, 'bout comments and messages and junk like that? Gimme time, people, and I MORE THAN USUALLY get back to yas SOONER or LATER. I might be a god, sure, but I'm not jumpin' off some bridge or nothin' for yas just so ya hear from me. It's not the end of the world, sheesh. Comments are a pain in the ass, though, so uh....drop me a message, I love those. FURTHERMORE, when it comes to artwork, anything hosted on this profile here is MINE, souly and completely MINE. Take it and I'll hafta sue you; I'm not even kidding. Sorry, I don't wanna be rash, I'm just sick of people tryin' to swipe my shit, y'know? It's just a pain in the dick after awhile, oy vey. So let's all play nice and get along, huh? Sound good? Good...*fanged grin* Also, when it comes to art, ya might like my stuff, but hey, I'm a busy god here, ok? I don't have the time to start takin' all these requests for art and things of that nature...sorry...I don't. Boo hoo. And yes, Hera is with me now...she left her abusive, wife beatin', cock suckin' husband, Zeus...the rapein' bastard. Heh, she and I have been together LONGER than all of yas know so PLEASE, it might be somethin' new for YOU people, but it's only gettin' better for us. *sleazy grin* CHA-CHING! Badda bing! Alright, I talk too friggin much, I'm outta here. If I think of somethin' more, yea, sure, I'll add it. Ciao.

My Interests

***Dedicated to Nick Ranieri, James Woods, and to all those that made me possible. Cheers to The Hades Unit, 1997*** With Hades voice actor James Woods and animation crew for "Hercules" (Disney, 1997). (Other persons in photo: On right of Hades, Top row--Neal Goldstein, Sergio Pablos, Eric Pigors, Jamie Oliff, Second row--Doug Post, James Baker, James Woods, Third row--Emily Juliano, Denise Meehan, Carl Hall, Fourth row--Dan Bond, Bill Berg, Bill Recinos, Jane Bonnet, Front row -- Eric Kuska, Casey Coffey, Brian Behling, On right of Hades, Top to Bottom--Nic Ranierij, Lieve Miessen, James DeValera Mansfield, Tom Roth.

AND THIS IS TO ALL THOSE LOVELY LADIES OUT THERE! If ya love me and are a Hades Lady at heart, feel free to add this nifty little number to your profile, badda bing! Love ya, babes, stay beautiful. *wink*

I'd like to meet:



leave the lord of the dead a spiffy comment.




My Blog


Oh yes...it is... A pic done for Hera, of course...(she has a dirty mind, not even kiddin')Anyway, been doin' some doodles...but other than that, busy as hell, as always..So, droppin' a line..Just sh...
Posted by Hades on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 09:27:00 PST


Hey all you ladies.....I love all of you so much that I think you should all add this to your profiles if you're all Hades Ladies at heart.. It'll add a stylish sexyness to any profile! Love yas...
Posted by Hades on Thu, 31 May 2007 08:32:00 PST

Better than Pro-Wrestling!!!

I've been on a drawing spree since I took some free time for myself before I had a nervous breakdown.And I got in an "anatomy" mood...and started drawin' some poses...Hope ya like all this new sexy st...
Posted by Hades on Mon, 28 May 2007 01:21:00 PST

For my beloved.

Felt in the mood to capture complete beauty......so that picture was born.Besides, my babe, Hera, needs a new picture, anyway....So, I'm here to hit her up with somethin' HOT... And speakin' of hot.....
Posted by Hades on Thu, 17 May 2007 01:47:00 PST

Look! I'm a ROBOT.

See? I told ya... Yeah, me...I told ya.....badda bing.(new pics, obviously................when DON'T I have a new picture of some sort?) ANYWAY-a gave a good friend of mine the long awaited idea "Hey...
Posted by Hades on Tue, 15 May 2007 05:51:00 PST

Spiderman 3? KISS MY ASS. >:(

Yeah, I saw Spiderman 3...I HAD to.And they completely fucked Venom over. NO, they completely did..they even killed Eddie Brock as a character! They BUTCHERED the storyline!!! WHAT THE HELL!?!?!? (O@&...
Posted by Hades on Thu, 10 May 2007 07:19:00 PST

I threw up...

...some ARTWORK that is! Haha!(didja think I really threw up? Sheesh, I wasn't THAT hungover this morning).. Anyway...did some art for pals of mine..Such as Ixbran:We're killin' off those fugly ass li...
Posted by Hades on Tue, 01 May 2007 04:55:00 PST

A fan from JAPAN :D

Over the years, I've been MORE than privelaged to chat with a LOAD of fans...To my surprise, they come from all over the GLOBE!!! I think it's completely awesome, too. Today, I got to chat with Kumiko...
Posted by Hades on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 12:47:00 PST

For Hikaru.

'Nuff said.     ~Hades
Posted by Hades on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 07:11:00 PST

Fuck all of this SHIT.

Y'know what I'm talkin' about...the SPAM shit. I thought I was brazen? Holy fuck, all this absolute bullshit piling up all over my page, your page, EVERYONE'S page is enough to make someone physically...
Posted by Hades on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 07:54:00 PST