Nocturnal Wraith profile picture

Nocturnal Wraith

Out Of Sound, All Form Comes...

About Me

Everything written is an effort to explain what words cannot touch. In the reflection of thought, there lies worlds of unexplained horror, fear, and constant beauty. This music is simply a way of purging out all that is felt through emotion...
The works I have posted are not nearly completed yet, or perfected. They are just rough drafts for now, until re recorded and finished. I wish to release a CD entitled "Reminiscence" in the near future. I also plan to post poems and writings that go along with the songs. Be on the lookout...
"If you peer too long into the light of the sun, the brightest light we know of, darkness is all you'll ever see after that. But peer into the darkest of darkness and you'll begin to see more deeply. You will begin to see other realities and hidden worlds."
"Darkness is never far away, either. Close your eyes my dear, and you are already there in its sweet, soft silence."
"For what point has this life if you can't realise your dreams?" -- The Divine Comedy"
"I despise a world which does not feel that music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy" Ludwig Van Beethoven

My Interests


Member Since: 5/29/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Allison
Keyboard/Mixing, GuitarKelly
Influences: Ancience, Anger, Beauty, Compassion, Darkness, Death, Heart Break, Insanity, Insomnia, Intelligence, Justice, Legends of the Past, Magick, Memories, Morbidity, Nature, Pain, Purity, Sorrow, Spirits of the Past, Truth
Sounds Like: Dargaard, Lustmord, Midnight Syndicate, Nox Arcana, Xasthur
Type of Label: None

My Blog

O Sancta Simplicitiatas

Throughout the many hidden landsPassions dance seduce the freeIn temptation, wild and tastefulKnowledge awaits so wearilyA continuance, eternity's melodyEnchanting in whirlwinds of furyRiveting the Ea...
Posted by Nocturnal Wraith on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 02:00:00 PST