Ok due to the fact that I am going to be in college, and am rubish with deadlines anyway, I am not going to be accepting any more requests but am going to be working from my own ideas whenever I have the time - those will still be available to bands interested.
If you want to use an avialable picture contact me about it and if I like your music I'll email you the full size image (and mail you the original peice if you want that too). I'm only interested in working with Caucasian metal bands and I want nothing to do with bands who are Christian, Muslim or Jewish. By the way I have already seen way too many seriously immature Immortal-look-alike Church of Satan worshiping bm bands who seem to think posing with swords and looking constipated makes them "evil". I'm also really sick of bands who can't comprehend writing lyrics without mentioning vampires or lost loves.
For stuff I agree to: I want a copy of the album my artwork is used on and a mention in the credits. For payment if your buying an original peice (rather than just the rights to use an image) I prefer albums on my trade list (see blog) to money, but that is also acceptable.
P.S. None of the logos that appear on the album covers are my design, I am rubbish with logos. If you are looking for a logo artist go to my blog titled 'Other Artists'.