Jon Guffey profile picture

Jon Guffey

If you have problems hearing the music, turn it up! :)

About Me

Honestly, I never even dreamed of somebody this nerdy... lol... Enjoy!

Hooray! I did, in fact, get by BA in Music! neat...

The art of excercise is forever altered!

My Interests

I love good music! THE music PLAYED on this site is either COMPOSED by me or PERFORMED by me. I hope you like it and welcome your COMMENTS!


I love good a capella! (King's Singers, Swingle Singers, some older Rockapella) I enjoy classical, jazz, and anything that is intillectually stimulating, something I can really sink my teeth into.


I love LOTR, loved the Matrix, Mel Gibson movies (anti-semite that he is lol), stupidly funny movies like Naked Gun, Mel Brooks movies, and MPATHG.


The Family Guy, The Simpsons (which are banned from prime-time in China!), X-Play, Who's Line


LOTR, Insteresting books about people, (Adolphe Sax, Dave Brubeck, etc.)


My wife and people who are still my friends!Those who don't brag about their altruistic behavior.

My Blog

A picture of me?!?!?

it's about time, really...         A picture of me suddenly appears!
Posted by Jon Guffey on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 01:36:00 PST

Online TABs ILLEGAL!!!!???!!!! What the heck

The Music Publishing Associaiton (MPA) has written numerous letters telling sites like the Online Guitar Archive to pack it up. They mention in a letter posted on that even posting the *lyric...
Posted by Jon Guffey on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 01:33:00 PST

Our beloved Internet.... Is it doomed...? Read on, learn how, take ACTION!

I was astonished to hear that the Internet may be in grave danger. Congress (the technologically advanced group it is) is preparing to take action. In the past, Congress has not failed to support thos...
Posted by Jon Guffey on Wed, 28 Jun 2006 11:56:00 PST

Stick a fork in me, I'm DONE!

Finals are over, and so is my ~3.3 GPA! Hope you all are doing well
Posted by Jon Guffey on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 10:29:00 PST

Not_My_Goodies (lol)

Jealous, Jealous, Jealous.... :P Hope the music is working for you all! I will be putting different music on occassionaly, all either composed or performed by me :)
Posted by Jon Guffey on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 03:54:00 PST

The music doesn't work!!!

Hello, and welcome to my space here on I don't know why you're here, but you should listen to the song that doesn't play! please visit to hear the beautiful m...
Posted by Jon Guffey on Wed, 14 Jun 2006 01:29:00 PST