Brendan profile picture


I don't hate God, it's just his fanclub i can't stand

About Me

My Name is Brendan O'Reilly, I am from Running Springs, CA and am currently a Sophomore at the University of Arizona in Tucson. I am majoring in Molecular and Cellular Biology and minoring in Music. I am an independent thinker and usually do not go with the flow. At one point in my life I would like to see the all of United States and also some, if not all, of the world. My AIM is BrendanUofA

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

Anybody...Yes even You


A perfect circle, Incubus, Suburban Legends, The Darkness, Green Day, Black Eyed Peas, Aerosmith, Trapt, Disturbed, Zion I, The Eagles, Tool, evanesecne, bela fleck and the flecktones, alien ant farm, red hot chili peppers, cake, flogging molly, blind melon, counting crows, 311, Barenaked Ladies


Tim Burton films (Nightmare Before Chistmas, Big Fish, Corpse Bride), 10 thing I hate about you, Sean of the dead,Garden State, The Professional, Boondock Saints, Rent, The Goonies, Blast From The Past, Office Space, Good Night and Good Luck, the butterfly effect, Disney films


sienfeld, south park, Simpsons, the daily show,


Science Fiction and anything by Douglus Adams and non-fiction Dealing with science. Also philosophy and phycology draw my attention


My Mother and Father