¸.•*'·.¸kristen¸.·'*•.¸ profile picture


Greatness lies not in trying to be somebody but in trying to help somebody.~Unknown~

About Me

I love my life. Jesus is my first love and fills every second with strength and joy and passion. My greatest desire is to serve Him and glorify Him. I'm engaged to a man who stands beside me, holding my hand tightly, in times of sunshine or rain and we thank God for every moment because it's a gift. I have great friends and family who will cry with me, laugh with me (or at me), rejoice with me, and will even love me when we disagree. I'm blessed to be able to encourage them and will always be there for them. People that lie, are fake, are immature, that gossip, and love to cause drama for no reason make me sad and angry. No one is perfect but why do we need to treat others so horribly? I highly respect the people that stand by what they believe and live it out their daily lives! All of us have our short comings and failures but please always try to treat others with love and respect.

My Interests

The Bible, movies, music, running, working out, encouraging anyone I can find, shiny objects, flowers, sunsets, sunrises, making other people laugh so hard they cry, praying, hiking, thunder storms, dancing for no other reason than to be happy, laughing loudly (I've been told I have some lungs for such a small person!), random humor, being playful, always smiling, reading, and spending time with Jesus and His word.

I'd like to meet:

People with humility and passion who live by what they believe! Encouraging, optimistic, loving friends who will keep me accountable, challenge me, teach me, and help me grow in my faith. See life as an adventure and enjoy all of its beauty!!! Find joy in every moment that God gives for us for it is a gift and another chance to serve each other and bring Him glory!!!


My tastes in music vary. I listen to a lot of Christian music but it ranges from country to oldies to rock to pop(not a fan of angry music though...I'm just not much into being angry).


I love movies. Watching movies is like needing food for me. Random movie nights are the best. I'll watch most movies over and over until I have them memorized.


I try not to watch a lot a tv but I am the dork who who could watch the History channel all day. I'm secure in being a dork though!


Ooooo....I LOVE TO READ! The Bible! I read a lot of Christian books. I like learning more about what I believe. The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis are the best ever. Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Sense and Sensibility all by Jane Austin, The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Gone with the Wind and the sequel Scarlett...good stuff!!! Even Stephen King and Dean Koontz are favorites of mine. I like so many books that there isnt enough room to put them all and that isnt a joke (so sad but true!). I read a lot!


My Lord and Savior Jesus, for loving me enough to die for my sins and for every moment that he has been by my side since.

My Blog


 I've been thinking a lot about my motives behind everything...and I mean absolutely everything.  I've also spent a good portion of this year thinking about how I would like to li...
Posted by ¸."*'·.¸kristen¸.·'*".¸ on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 11:32:00 PST

A birthday surprise...and I said yes!

I don't write blogs like this at all but I'm still in shock...and way to giddy to sleep just yet!  Soooo...today is one of the greatest days of my entire life!  If you know me, you know that...
Posted by ¸."*'·.¸kristen¸.·'*".¸ on Sun, 08 Jul 2007 08:48:00 PST

The most important day of my life!

I gave Jesus my heart seven years ago and have never looked back. I gave a damaged heart and He gave me everything in return! Never failing joy fills my life as I walk with Him. Each day is a gift, an...
Posted by ¸."*'·.¸kristen¸.·'*".¸ on Sun, 24 Jun 2007 02:02:00 PST

A grateful heart!

I went hiking yesterday with a friend of mine and we started talking on several different topics that have been very close to my heart over the years as a Christian.  One is of course the choice...
Posted by ¸."*'·.¸kristen¸.·'*".¸ on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 05:29:00 PST

Prayer and the New Year...

Deuteronomy 31:6"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you." Joshua 1:9"Have I not command...
Posted by ¸."*'·.¸kristen¸.·'*".¸ on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 05:32:00 PST

Lazy Thinking

For the last several weeks I've been thinking a lot about negativity and pessimism.  So here are just some random thoughts after dealing with an cynical person at work for awhile n...
Posted by ¸."*'·.¸kristen¸.·'*".¸ on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 11:47:00 PST


Do you ever have those moments when you are reminded of who you are?  For some people they are not needed, but for me, they need to be more frequent.  Now these profound moments are sometime...
Posted by ¸."*'·.¸kristen¸.·'*".¸ on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 09:38:00 PST

Smiles and Christ shining through

I Love this song by Kutless...   On a plane somewhere again / I take my place in line just like every other time / I slid into my window seat / She was sitting there / One seat over so I said "He...
Posted by ¸."*'·.¸kristen¸.·'*".¸ on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 02:35:00 PST


I've been battling some sort of sickness that's been going around and I'm in this odd space in between being sick and being healthy.  Of course, I start in with the extra vitamins and a lot of re...
Posted by ¸."*'·.¸kristen¸.·'*".¸ on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 04:11:00 PST

Shiny Objects

 I'm a firm believer in the whistle while you work mentality.  It is possible to have fun and still get the job done.  If you've worked with us then you know what I'm talking about.&nbs...
Posted by ¸."*'·.¸kristen¸.·'*".¸ on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 07:24:00 PST