Jenni profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

* My MySpace got hacked and I lost everything * Luckily my friend Dave had some of it saved, but I have to retype this part and it sucks * * I live in Northern California, Aptos, near Santa Cruz * I am a psychology student * My life is my friends and the time we spend together ** partying ** laughing ** shopping ** having coffee ** dancing ** being idiots ** just talking on a lazy Sunday morning on my bed * Merrill Dorms are still the place of choice to party * I'm a very flirty tease who occasionally lapses, not the other way around * I love being active, especially jogging and tennis * Don't stand between me and my lemon cordial * Life isn't about taking the road less traveled, its about keeping your hands on the wheel and enjoying the scenery of whatever road you are on * I am a straight girl with some special bi experiences *

My Interests

I love Tennis. It's my life.

I make $4 for every shirt somebody buys from if they click one of the links on here to get there when they buy a shirt. So help me out and buy a shirt!

Or you can sign up as an affiliate yourself (You make $4.00/shirt and I make $1.00):


I'd like to meet:

Anybody who is cool * NO! I do not live in Phoenix even though I show up on those searches * I have no idea why * Guys, please don't send me emails or comments like "Yo, what good girl, you fine." * All, it took me a long time to finally get a MySpace thing going (I was VERY resistant) and now I spend WAY to much time on here, so NO I do not have Yahoo, MSN, AIM, or anything like that *



24 ** Lost ** The Hills ** Survivor (the original is still the best) ** The Office


Lance Armstrong

My Blog

Bad English... On Purpose.

A friend asked me a random question which I just had to respond to... He asked, "Why do ghetto people speak English incorrect on purpose?" So here was my reply: lol Random! I think its gotten way past...
Posted by Jenni on Wed, 06 Dec 2006 10:15:00 PST

Lonely MySpace

Ever since I've started using MySpace I've been more aware of when I am lonely.  Of course this cold coincide with other life experiences, but I can't deny that I've been dealing with my loneline...
Posted by Jenni on Mon, 31 Jul 2006 12:52:00 PST

My Treat

I got a random email today which prompted me to write an unusually long answer... so why not blog it right? Original Email: Me and my friends were having a discussion and i came across your page. We n...
Posted by Jenni on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 11:06:00 PST

How's tha world treatin' ya?

I got an email askin me that today and I guess I went a little nuts on the answer!  lol ------------- Wow, great question..  Does the world treat us... or is it someting bigger or smaller......
Posted by Jenni on Thu, 01 Jun 2006 07:11:00 PST


Ok, so I had an amazing weekend in Phoenix for Memorial day.  It was totally a sketch trip to begin with because me and my roomie Michelle were meeting up with her friend Caitlin who sh...
Posted by Jenni on Wed, 31 May 2006 08:16:00 PST

I'm in Arizona!

A friend down here just helped me setup my page.  I hope everyone likes it!  Thanks Dave!!!
Posted by Jenni on Mon, 29 May 2006 07:37:00 PST