Katie profile picture


i have untold depth... i mean debt. untold debt.

About Me

I do dishes and brush my teeth at the same time. If this grosses you out, then we won't get along at all.

My Interests

oh my gosh. is it my turn? well i don't know what to say. i mean what do you want to know? Should I do this biographically or alphabetically or alpha-numerically? Ummm. I am a scorpio. And I live in and around San Francisco. But I guess you already knew that. Oh geez. lets see... I have a deep love of things that are both tacky and beautiful (see lowrider magazine). I can be a bit of a hypocondriac at times, but I detest going to the doctor. The solution: the internet! of course i just end up all paraoid that i am dying of some rare disease... hmmmm ... I think hobbies are great, but I am better at starting things than finishing them. Sometimes I just think about things real hard and don’t even start them.

I'd like to meet:

Strong backed and weak willed souls interested in pitching in for a good cause and getting Katie moved... Again. Really. It is the last time. For at least six months. Maybe even seven. Someone(s) with the knowhow and gumption to help me steal my cubicle... benevolent souls with fridges full of goodies and hot coffee brewing... those that make internet related avoidance behaviors an art form...


itty gritty ditties.


I like it when the music swells.


I will be parting with my TV in the next week. Our imminent separation brings me quite a bit of sadness. TV has really been there for me. Whether she was getting me half decent reception on the World Series or faithfully playing Pride and Prejudice over and over again, or introducing me to a randomly selected PBS documentary on mothers in prison, she has never let me down. She has comforted me through times of stress and insomnia and never demanded a thing of me, other than a reliable source of electricity and a relatively stable spot to rest on. I just want TV to know how much I have cherished the time we spent together over the past 2 years. She will remain always and forever in my heart.


I could live like a snail with my home on my back if it wasn't for these creatures. You can find books in my bag, books in bed, books in my closet, books by my sink and the occasional book tangled in my hair. Sometimes I read them. Other times I use them to build forts. Either way, me and books have a rousing good time.


Sen. Barbara Boxer

My Blog

best. feeling. ever.

I puked this morning.  Right there in front of the Holiday Inn Express in the plant boxes.  And let me tell you: it was great.  Not the puking itself so much--though that wasn't so ba...
Posted by Katie on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 07:58:00 PST

facts and findings

There is no such thing as last call in Berlin.  Nor does there appear to be any regulation on the sale or consumption of alcohol in general.  Or urination for that matter.   Germans can...
Posted by Katie on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 02:35:00 PST


For the last forty eight hours or so, I have been having an existentially life crisis of sorts.  I attribute the panic in large part to the crisis of finishing my last two papers of th...
Posted by Katie on Sun, 20 May 2007 08:30:00 PST

Things in my life that rock

1. Gin and tonics. 2. Writting papers* 3. Staying up writing gin and drinking tonics.  I mean writing papers and drinking gin and tonics. *My papers really are the rocking-est.  T...
Posted by Katie on Mon, 14 May 2007 12:25:00 PST

Aw shucks, you shouldn't have

I would like to extend a personal thank you from me to Governor Schwarzenegger for allowing the good people of the Bay Area to ride public transit for free tomorrow.   While I am saddened th...
Posted by Katie on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 09:34:00 PST

And cops who wear really ugly ties

At 8:45 pm on the night of October 12th, the defendant, Katherine Hendy, allegedly went through a red light.  On her bike. Police officer McStevens pursued the defendant, and issued her at citati...
Posted by Katie on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 10:10:00 PST

Walnuts are the new almonds

You heard it here first. I know this because I labeled, bagged and tied (with ribbon) 300 promotional samples of them at a publicity agency the other day. Yes, by hand.  Walnuts deserve the ...
Posted by Katie on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 04:02:00 PST

Ode to Booze Pinata

If the first few hours were any indication for things to come in 2007 then:Long standing wishes will be fulfilledBooze will fall from the skyAnthony will swing wildlyI will be banned from public trans...
Posted by Katie on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 01:00:00 PST

This Blog Sucks/I am Killing Time Before Class

But you are reading it anyways? You know why? Because you need to kill time, too. And really, isn't that the whole reason we are all friends? A mutual desire to kill some time mutually?Sadly, or no...
Posted by Katie on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 01:37:00 PST

Relationship Bliss

The best part about a boyfriend is that because you are sick, have a paper due tomorrow, and a grant application due on Monday, you can demand that he bring you a pizza AFTER you bitch at him for fin...
Posted by Katie on Thu, 02 Nov 2006 06:46:00 PST