Busty Cops II....Reading,riting,rithmatic!Sex
binges,drinking binges,and my one major flaw,my love of peanut butter and crack sammichs!......Necrophilia or was that nymphomania??Hmmmmm..
Jimi Hendrix,Jim Morrison,Katie Price........ http://i179.photobucket.com/albums/w304/Tiermutter/banner-1. gif
VLE,Windir,Emperor,BURZUM,Opeth,Limbonic Art, Gorgoroth.......
Listen to this,this is what great music should sound like:
Metalocalypse,Family Guy,The Simpsons....Busty Cops II
Yeah I've got a shitload of 'em!Terry Goodkind,David Eddings,Terry Brooks,Christopher Stasheff and so on and so on...
Animations provided by MySpaceGraphicsandAnimations.com
All Soldiers serving and fighting,and the families waiting.....