" The id will not stand for a delay in gratification. It always feels the tension of the unfulfilled urge. " - Sigmund Freud
"Human aggression is instinctual. Humans have not evolved any ritualised aggression-inhibiting mechanisms to ensure the survival of the species. For this reason many is considered a very dangerous animal. " - Konrad Lorenz
What happens when the moral filters are removed from a person? When that person feels the lust for vengeance?
"I am down on whores and I shant quit ripping them till I do get buckled."
- Jack The Ripper
With the above statements in mind, a story and inspiration is born. A story that is personal and fictional, the telling of one man when pushed to far has that filter removed.
When listening to these songs keep in mind these are ideas recorded roughly, with little to no equipment, basically I plug a guitar directly into the computer and go. These are to give ideas to what we are doing.
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