Anything my sister, Laurianne writes, Anything my brother, Jess writes, The Daylights, Andy Davis, Dave Barnes, Matt Wertz, Brandon Heath, Andy Gullahorn, Ben Folds, David Mead, Martin Sexton, Jump Little Children, Frou Frou, U2, Michael McDonald, Sting, Switchfoot, Tommy Simms, etc.
Bottle Rocket(and anything by Wes Anderson), O Brother Where Art Thou?, Moulin Rouge
Don't have television...seems like a huge waste of time.
Donald Miller books, CS Lewis-"Mere Christianity", Brennan Manning-"Ruthless Trust", I just read a book that I loved called "Peace Like A River" by Leif Enger. I really enjoy John Grisham and Michael Crichton books.
Jesus, My family, Tony Hawk, Owen Wilson, Steve Jobs