misc*i'm somewhat obsessed with fabrics-japanese, african, chinese, indian, all sorts of prints...i get a bit flustered when i'm around a lot of it. i can go a bit nutty in fabric stores, and i don't even sew.
*taking long drives in the car by myself
*good conversation
*doing chinese kung fu
*occupied japan teacups
*indian print blocks
*independant films and documentaries
*peony flowers
*being in the middle of nowhere
*the arts
*crafty things...the show "craft corner death match"
*snuggling with my baby
*wooing my husband
*being a free spirit
*simplicity, realness, transparency
*splattering paint everywhere
*drinking tea
*tinted windows...oh yes, I will have tinted windows one day. (I like the privacy, and the shade)
*things that don't match
*big afros and funkified hair...definitely shaved heads, mullets and mohawks
What I don't like:
*cold and wet
*lack of passion
*spider webs
*sand down my pants or in my toes
*when people carry around their dogs like an accessory (a dog in a hot pink pouch does not make it cute)
*award shows
We choose to be cable-free, but Netflix offers some good t.v watchin' at your own leisure.
*the office
*Freaks and Geeks.
*J.J. "the man who knows how to make an addictive show" Abrams.
*Craft Corner Death Match.
*Project Runway. (man, I love the creative process of watching people make things)