The fire burns with passion
With hope with expansive vision
The fire burns through the deception
This fire can never die and burns within me
The spirit meets blood and flesh
In order to feel to love to fight to dream
To explore create to touch to cry to live
This fire reaches beyond every wall
Through every rule
Breaks down all the lies we have been told
This fire cracks through the thickest skulls
Past the kings guards and burns away
The prisons that have been built to keep us
Locked in fear .......
Fear of each other, fear of the government
Fear of God, Fear of demons, fear of evil, fear of death
Fear of sickness, fear of failure, fear of love
A million lies have been told and bought
Leaving us afraid of the fire afraid to love
Afraid of the government afraid of each other
Afraid to leave the country afraid of terrorist
Afraid to live afraid to die afraid to try afraid to fail
and yet if you stop and find a bit of space
if you let go of all you have been told
if you feel your soul and find that place
there the fire burns the fire that drives you
to feel to live to taste to try to love to live to burn
till you die
If I put out the fire out of fear then I never live
And so I embrace the pain, pleasure, love, lust, hope, joy,
I embrace the fear and accept it as I jump over the wall
as I crush my hands as I walk sleepless to a stage
as I create for I cannot keep the fire contained it burns
through my skin, my voice, for my flesh and blood is just an expression
of the fire which exist within...
I do not fear death, love, sickness, or loss
for everything that comes and goes is meant so
I embrace the hope the love the fear
for all of them create beauty in every laugh and every tear
I embrace that we are all one, all eternal, and all
beautiful I am but a fire burning through this flesh and blood
No walls can stop me no ruler can govern me
No cage can hold me no jail can stop me
No death can take me for there is no end
I was created through love I become love love is eternal
No judge can judge me no religion can conform me
No book can guide me no boarders can hold me
For infinity in my home and there are no walls there
For love transforms changes forms but never fades
No lie can trick, no deception can trip
For there is nowhere to fall
Just myths and stories created to keep us hiding behind
walls to keep us from escaping the cage to keep us controlled
Be who you want to be, do as your soul desires
Follow the fire that burns from within
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