My Sweet Brother
Bradley Christopher Mckendrick
May 15, 1969 - January 15, 2006
Today my heart is incomplete. Gone is my flesh and blood. Here I jostle thoughts of you and beg for more time from above. There are no tears to consoul my fragile heart. Only empty bits of pain. How could you even choose to part. My mind is so tremendously insane. If this is your prayer and your one Solomon wish because you felt we weren't enough. You must know in our grief we have wings for you but you have left so very much................... Please send my letter to heal my heart....
traveling time with no specific destination
searching for an answer to mold it all together
open to your journey and the path of share
Mijn zoete broer, toont me slechts de manier om zich bij u aan te sluiten. Het schijnt zo hard en bang makend. Hebt kunt ook u vrede en ik het weten?
Mother et I share a week in NYC et Bradley would have loved it!
The Godfather
The Bible
For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice.....Peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness.
James 3:16,3:18