Insurgent Sean Murphy profile picture

Insurgent Sean Murphy

Don't ever wanna say goodbye. If I go first I'll tell you what it's like. I always want to have you

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

I am a radio dj who hosts a weekly show called "Insurgence," featuring progressive music of protest, struggle, resistance, rebellion, revolt, and transformation mixed together with other familiar and unusual selections of indie rock, alt pop, electronic dance, experimental noise, post-rock, avant-queer, world and folk, Irish and Celtic, punk, post-punk, and hip-hop. This show runs every Thursday evening from 10 pm to midnight US Central Time on WHYS (96.3 FM), Eau Claire, Wisconsin's independent, alternative, progressive, low power community radio station. I'm proud of this show and this station. It's quite an achievement for a small city in Northwest Wisconsin (population 65, 000) not especially widely known for being a hotbed of either progressivism or cosmopolitanism. I've been involved with WHYS since long before we got on the air in April of 2005 and support it actively by helping out in station management and as a volunteer and donor. This is my second time around heavily involved with a radio station, as when I was an undergraduate at Wesleyan University my major focus of extracurricular activity (perhaps even much more a focus than the curricular) was WESU-FM, where I dj-ed multiple shows, focusing on punk/hardcore, new wave, and post-punk/experimental new music, and helped out quite a lot in station management too, including as music director.

I am working long-term on compiling a critical bibliography of progressive music of protest, struggle, resistance, rebellion, revolt, and transformation. I want to develop this as an ongoing project which will be useful to a broad range of progressives, and plan to make this available through a website which I will continue to maintain and update rather than merely publish in a printed book form. I will be broadly inclusive here, drawing from diverse kinds of music, past and present, across the globe. I am seeking music that can contribute to a continuous progressive culture of protest, struggle, resistance, rebellion, revolt, and transformation as a significant dimension of, and inspiration for, ongoing struggles for human emancipation, collective equality, social justice, ecological sustainability, and a peaceful world. I plan to organize this bibliography into a wide variety of categories, with multiple different cross-links, to facilitate further usefulness. And I will structure the bibliography in terms of playlists, following my work as a dj, and associated with my weekly radio show, Insurgence, which I ultimately hope to transmit on the internet through this website as well.

I work as a professor of English, at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire (UWEC), and my major areas of scholarly and pedagogical interest include critical theory, cinema studies, cultural studies, glbt/queer studies, Scottish and Irish Studies, and mystery and detective fiction. I've taught at the college and university level continually since 1985, and before coming to work at UWEC in 1997 taught at eight other schools in New York, Connecticut, and Arizona. It's hard work, often exhausting, but overall richly rewarding and immensely worthwhile.

When I have any free time I like to travel, listen to music, watch movies, and read mystery and detective fiction. I'm interested in making my own music too, when I get the time. I also enjoy writing screenplays, dramatic short plays, and free verse poetry.

I am and long have been openly gay. As I see it, our sexualities are complex modes of being and relating in society, and they effect the ways in which we engage in all other forms of social relations, exercising a significant impact on our outlook on life and our everyday engagement in the world. I believe we all are in varying, shifting degrees both gay and straight. And I'm also 100% Irish in ethnic descent too--not necessarily a directly connected piece of information, but also one that has proven prominent and influential throughout my life, as has my long involvement with and commitment to Marxist and Democratic Socialist politics. Religiously, I am agnostic but maintain particular interests in various forms of neo-paganism and Bhuddism.

When I was younger, I used to run regularly, including in road races. I now strive to find other ways to keep in physical shape, and good health. I am also a fan of many spectator sports, including football, basketball, and baseball.

I live in Eau Claire and I have a dog, Bogart, a Chinese pug, born in August of 1996, as well as a Chocolate Point Siamese cat, Brendan, born in August of 2003. My partner, Andy Swanson, also works at UWEC, as a lecturer in Mathematics. Andy and I have been together since October 31, 1998, and we were married in June of 2000 at the Unitarian Universalist church in Eau Claire. He is the love of my life--a fantastic person, with whom I am truly very fortunate to be together.

My Interests

Insurgence -- Progressive Music of Protest, Struggle, Resistance, Rebellion, Revolt, and Transformation Together with Alt Pop, Indie Rock, Electronic Dance, and Much More! Thursdays -- Every Thursday -- from 10 pm to midnight, US Central Time, Streaming Live via the Internet on WHYS-FM, Progressive Community Radio. Eau Claire, Wisconsin

Playlists, All Insurgence Shows, from the Beginning through the Present

If you would like me to play your music on my weekly alternative, independent, progressive radio show, Insurgence, eventually to be syndicated for internet broadcast, and doubled to include 'Insurgence 1' and 'Insurgence 2', please send records--CDs, cassette tapes, or vinyl--to:

DJ Sean Murphy, Insurgence
WHYS Community Radio
96.3 FM, Eau Claire
405 S. Farwell St., Suite 23
Eau Claire, WI 54701

I'd love to consider it -- and recommend it to my fellow DJs and listeners.

Insurgence--featuring progressive music of protest, resistance, rebellion, revolt, and transformation, mixed together with selections of primarily alt pop, indie rock, electronic dance, experimental noise, avant-queer, post-rock, Irish/Celtic, global fusion, and hard-edge left punk and hip hop.

I'd like to meet:

I am primarily interested in networking with musicians and others maintaining serious interests in socially and politically progressive music of protest, struggle, resistance, rebellion, revolt, and transformation, past and present, from across the globe.

At the same time, if people maintaining similar serious interests as me in other of the areas I've described above would like to network with me, that's fine too.


I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !


III. Bibliography–Part A


1. Progressives believe that we are all ultimately deeply interconnected, that the public good should always come before private gain, that we should work together to take care of each other, that we should work together to make a better future for those who come after us, and that we have a responsibility to do so for those who will succeed us/ progressives fight against forces and interests which contend or act otherwise.
2. Progressives believe we maintain a responsibility to serve as genuine stewards in relation to our larger natural environment while progressives at the same time respect and value the ‘wisdom’ of nature as well as all the ‘wisdom’ of what nature has created and provided /progressives fight against forces and interests which contend or act otherwise.
3. Progressives respect and value the wisdom of genuinely popular, or folk, cultures, subcultures, and their customs and traditions as well as their achievements and contributions; progressives support and defend the right of the oppressed and exploited to fight back against their exploiters and oppressors; and progressives seek to assist the relatively disprivileged and disempowered in raising themselves up through their own efforts/progressives fight against forces and interests which contend or act otherwise.
4. Progressives believe in genuine, substantive, materially concrete expression of fairness and equality for all, and progressives sincerely, actively care for those who are relatively disprivileged and disempowered/progressives fight against forces and interests which contend or act otherwise.
5. Progressives believe in working actively to overcome exploitative and oppressive disparities in social wealth, social privilege, and social power/progressives fight against forces and interests which contend or act otherwise.
6. Progressives believe in the inherent dignity, worth, and natural equality of all people, regardless of race, ethnicity, or nationality/progressives fight against forces and interests which contend or act otherwise.
7. Progressives believe in the inherent dignity, worth, and natural equality of all people, regardless of sex or gender/progressives fight against forces and interests which contend or act otherwise.
8. Progressives believe in the inherent dignity, worth, and natural equality of all people, regardless of sexual orientation/progressives fight against forces and interests which contend or act otherwise.
9. Progressives believe in the inherent dignity, worth, and natural equality of all people, regardless of age or of physical and mental ability/progressives fight against forces and interests which contend or act otherwise.
10. Progressives respect and value the contribution of labor, and of laborers, in producing and reproducing social wealth; progressives reject, oppose, and seek to overcome exploitative and oppressive forms of class difference, and hierarchy, especially that realized through the exploitation of labor, and the private ownership and control of the means, processes, and ends of social wealth; and progressives are ultimately, in essence, anti-capitalist and pro-socialist as well as pro-communist/progressives fight against forces and interests which contend or act otherwise.
11. Progressives believe in social responsibility and accountability–and especially in holding those who exploit, and oppress, as well as those who maintain complicity with exploitation and oppression responsible, and accountable, for this wrong, while progressives simultaneously believe in active civic participation, in citizens taking responsibility for our own government, for governing ourselves, and for making government truly the people’s servant and truly serve the people’s interest/progressives fight against forces and interests which contend or act otherwise.
12. Progressives believe that genuine community requires that everyone within the community enjoy the freedom to realize their full human potential, and progressives believe that realization of our full human potential as members of a genuine community is in fact only possible for each and every one of us when freedoms can actually be exercised and opportunities are in fact available/progressives fight against forces and interests which contend or act otherwise.
13. Progressives fight against social alienation, and especially against the forces and conditions which generate this alienation, while progressives at the same time reject, oppose, and seek to overcome cynicism, apathy, disengagement, and despair/progressives fight against forces and interests which contend or act otherwise.
14. Progressives reject, oppose, and seek to overcome selfish individualism, and progressives reject, oppose, and seek to overcome the commercial cooptation of human culture and the commoditization of human social relations /progressives fight against forces and interests which contend or act otherwise.
15. Progressives reject, oppose, and seek to overcome reification and compartmentalization in thought and action, and progressives likewise reject, oppose, and seek to overcome desensitization, callous indifference and lack of concern for others, as well as processes of ‘othering, and especially ‘abjectification’, in general/progressives fight against forces and interests which contend or act otherwise.
16. Progressives strongly oppose militarism and imperialism– economic, political, and cultural/progressives fight against forces and interests which contend or act otherwise.
17. Progressives strongly oppose fascism, neo-fascism, proto-fascism, and post-fascism, in all varieties, as well as all other forms of genuine totalitarianism/progressives fight against forces and interests which contend or act otherwise.
18. Progressives commit themselves toward working actively to advance the causes of human emancipation, collective equality, social justice, ecological sustainability, and a peaceful world/progressives fight against forces and interests which contend or act otherwise.
19. Progressives believe that real social progress ultimately requires real social transformation–and not mere social reformation/progressives fight against forces and interests which contend or act otherwise.
20. Progressives believe in the value, and indeed necessity, of forceful, creative, determined, persistent, and even at times relentless engagement in questioning, challenging, critiquing, resisting, rebelling, and revolting versus established power and authority in order to advance progressive ends and serve progressive interests.

IV. Bibliography–Part B

Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Music Categories

Progressive Music of Resistance, Rebellion, and Revolt

Model Bibliographical Sub-Project Area: Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Issues and Concerns

1. Attraction and Desire
2. Sensuality and Sexuality
3. Gender
4. Versus Normality and Conformity
5. Anger, Rage, Sorrow and Pain
6. Happiness, Joy, Pride, and Celebration
7. Worry, Fear, Confusion, and Doubt
8. Peace, Tranquility, Escape, and Transcendence
9. Survival, Resilience, Determination, and Hope
10. Sickness and Health
11. Ostracism, Exclusion, Alienation, and Abjection
12. Discrimination, Prejudice, Harassment, Violence, and Abuse
13. Institutionalized, Socially Systemic, and Culturally Pervasive Modes of Oppression
14. Friendship, Family, Community, Romance, and Love
15. Cultural Appropriations, Recodings, and Transformations
16. Subcultures
17. Political Organization and Mobilization
18. Future/Alternative Visions and Prospects
19. Key Historical Moments/Events, Periods/Movements, Locations/Figures
20. Morality, Ethics, and Spirituality
The arcade fire
Add to My Profile | More Videos 'The Magic Position'
Add to My Profile | More Videos The MakeShift Patriot.
Add to My Profile | More Videos Aesop Rock - Abandon All Hope
Add to My Profile | More Videos What We All Want (Gang of Four)
Add to My Profile | More Videos OKKERVIL RIVER "Our Life Is Not A Movie Or Maybe"
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QBoy - 'Quarter Life Crisis / Bent Spittin'

Add to My Profile | More VideosDayvan Cowboy

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Add to My Profile | More VideosColdcut True Skool video

Add to My Profile | More VideosHave You Been to Jail for Justice (Hi Dens)

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Add to My Profile | More VideosDriving to You

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Add to My Profile | More VideosCheck out the new Anti-Flag video 1 Trillion Dollars

Add to My Profile | More VideosCome Show Your Face

Add to My Profile | More VideosI Know I'm Not Alone

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Add to My Profile | More VideosAdd to My Profile | More VideosHello Bonjour (live @ Pukkelpop 2006)

Add to My Profile | More Videos"I Know I'm Not Alone" live Spearhead performance

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Add to My Profile | More Videos CONTROL : LA BANDE-ANNONCE
Add to My Profile | More Videos Q.B.O.Y. (Is Just So Fly) [Video Clean]
Add to My Profile | More Videos H but H / Sad and Lonely
Add to My Profile | More Videos WILCO - "What Light"
Add to My Profile | More Videos Four Winds
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Add to My Profile | More Videos The Underdog
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Add to My Profile | More Videos TUMBLE ON TV 07
Add to My Profile | More Videos The Nightwatchman - Maximum Firepower
Add to My Profile | More Videos Manu Chao "Desaparecido"
Add to My Profile | More Videos Manu Chao
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The Good The Bad And The Queen - Kingdom of Doom
Add to My Profile | More Videos Boytronic - You
Add to My Profile | More Videos American CIA behind all of this Terrorism across the world


To the centre of the city where all roads meet - waiting for youTo the depths of the ocean where all hopes sank - searching for youMoving through the silence without motion - waiting for youIn a room with a window in the corner I found truthIn the shadowplay, acting out your own death - knowing no moreAs the assassins all grouped in four lines, dancing on the floorAnd with cold steel, odour on their bodies, made a move to connectI could only stare in disbelief as the crowds all leftI did everything, everything I wanted toI let them use you for their own endsTo the centre of the city in the night - waiting for you To the centre of the city in the night - waiting for you"Shadowplay" -- Joy Division


Andrew Craig Swanson

My Blog

Insurgence Playlists from Thursday October 9, October 16, and October 23, 2008

October 9, 2008 1.Josef K-"It's Kinda Funny"2.Josef K"Fun 'N Frenzy"Josef K"Heads Watch"Josef K"Drone"Josef K"Sorry for Laughing"Josef K"Heaven Sent"3.Clinic"Hippy Death Suite"Clinic"The Retu...
Posted by Insurgent Sean Murphy on Sun, 26 Oct 2008 02:48:00 PST

Crazy Times

You know how crazy busy your life is when despite seeming to work every day of the week, eight to ten to twelve days average, you still fall behind--and when you feel like you have no time to be sick ...
Posted by Insurgent Sean Murphy on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 10:10:00 PST

Presentation, ACLU Program, On Campaign Finance Issues

As part of a program on the topic, "Are US Elections Fair? Local, State, and National Concerns and What You Can Do" this past Wednesday October 1, 2008, 7:30-9:30 pm, in Hibbard Humanities Hall, Room ...
Posted by Insurgent Sean Murphy on Sun, 05 Oct 2008 04:48:00 PST

Insurgence Playlists from Thursday September 25 and Thursday October 2, 2008

September 25, 20081.Mikis Theodorakis"Algunas Bestias"2.The Golden Gate Quartet"Atom and Evil"The Sons of Pioneers"Old Man Atom"Bessie Smith, "Nobody Knows You When You're Down & Out"Dick Gaughan"...
Posted by Insurgent Sean Murphy on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 04:12:00 PST

Scattered Comments

It's appalling that our federal government has been even considering a huge and unprecedented bailout of the financial services industry at the expense of citizens of this country, present and future,...
Posted by Insurgent Sean Murphy on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 02:21:00 PST

Insurgence Playlists from Thursday September 11 and Thursday September 18, 2008

September 11, 20081. David Rovics"After the Revolution"2.Greg Laswell, "How the Day Sounds"Speed Caravan, "Kalashnik Love"Joshua James, "The New Love Song"Nigel Kennedy ...
Posted by Insurgent Sean Murphy on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 03:06:00 PST

So far, so good

I just want to congratulate the Green Bay Packers on an overall positive start of the 2008 season so far. Even though it's very early I'm pleased--and I'm glad because my own inclination has all alon...
Posted by Insurgent Sean Murphy on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 06:13:00 PST

Quick Comment

For many years now I've sometimes entertained the thought (which of course I know is not really true, but it can feel like it) that Republicans exist to scare everyone else into always supporting Demo...
Posted by Insurgent Sean Murphy on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 09:55:00 PST

Insurgence Playlists from Thursday August 28 and Thursday September 4, 2008

August 28, 20081.Polkaholix"Who Stole the Keeshka (Blutwurstpolka)"2.Daniel Kahn and the Painted Bird "Beyze Vintn"Jon Ryman"Julia"Johann Strauss the Younger/the Son and the Vienna Philharmonic Orc...
Posted by Insurgent Sean Murphy on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 05:58:00 PST

Protest and Police

My thoughts about what has happened at the RNC, in brief: It is truly very disturbing that journalists doing their job are arrested, and otherwise harassed and intimidated--just for covering democrac...
Posted by Insurgent Sean Murphy on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 01:40:00 PST