Hey! I'm Reju... thanks for checking out my page xAplogies that my page is so shit and that i haven't added anythign to it... everytime i try the page takes like 10mins to load so i'm just keeping it simple!What do you need to know about me?
Born in the world famous city of Dudley(!), studied in Nottingham, lived and worked in London (Radio 1) moved back to Birmingham for a bit then headed back to London. I'm now scratching my head and working out what the next phase is gonna be.I'm a Radio Producer, I've worked at Galaxy 102.2, run a RSL called Javani FM, worked at the BBC Asian Network but spent most my time working at BBC Radio 1. At Radio 1 I worked in the Specialist Music dept alongside some of the best cult music DJ's & production staff that have all individually inspired and influenced my music tastes... I've heard some amazing music along the way and met some amazing people... what a ride!Then I decided to get my act together, get a promotion and launched a brand new nightly specialist music show in April 2006...I'm a Producer at the BBC Asian Network and launched a new music show is called FRICTION (presented by Bobby Friction - there's no getting away!).
the main aim was to 'Keep It Peel'... following John Peel's (RIP) musical teaching of listening to everything, supporting new music and playing what you love. we won a Sony Gold (my 2nd... brag brag).i'm currently back at Radio 1 and work in online and interactive trying to geek up and become multi-media skilled (ahem)...and then... who knows...
My Interests
man, where do i start... i'll come back to this one...
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