I've always had a lot of interests. I've stuck with writing and painting/drawing the longest; others have come and gone. I also like movies, programming, video games (World of Warcraft), mountain biking, astronomy, science fiction and fiction in general.
Aliens. Not the ones who probe though. Also, Lloyd Alexander and Napolean Dynamite. Oh, and Leroy Jenkins. LLEEEEERRROOOOOOOYY!
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Coldplay, Sublime, Queens of the Stone Age, the Cure, Moldy Peaches, Bob Marley, the Doors, Led Zepplin, Franz Ferdinand, New Order, K's Choice; I like a variety of songs/cds from every category except perhaps country.
Braveheart, Willow, American Beauty, Contact, the original Star Wars trilogy, Forrest Gump, the Good the Bad and the Ugly, LOTR trilogy, El Cid, Grosse Point Blank, Zero Effect, the Matrix, Fight Club, Apocalypse Now, Clockers, Minority Report, Total Recall, Mission to Mars, Terminator 2, the Abyss...I'll stop there.
I hate television. Television should be beaten with a sharp club, dowsed in salt and left to stew in eternal pain. Harsh, I know. But if I were going to watch something, I'd watch Family Guy, the Office or Firefly.
Robin jokes that instead of Band Camp stories I have stories that start with, "This one time, in this one book I read..." And now that I sound like a super nerd...When I was little my favorate books were Lloyd Alexander's Chronicles of Prydain, the White Mountains trilogy and the Hobbit.When I was a teen that changed to Atlas Shrugged, the Fountainhead, Stranger in a Strange Land and the Wheel of Time series.More recent favorates include: Snow Crash, the Diamond Age, the Silmarillion, Primary Colors, Life Is So Good, the Scarlet Letter, the Gates of Fire, the Legend of Baggar Vance, Delta Force, Spooky 8, Bound by Honor, the Queen of the Damned, the misnamed Hitchhiker "Trilogy", It's Not About the Bike and the inevitable Davinci Code.I've read almost every book by Robert Heinlein, Robert Jordan, Douglas Adams, Ayn Rand, Steven Pressfield, Lloyd Alexander, Anne Rice, Tolkien, J.K. Rowlings and Brian Jacques. I've read less by Brian Herbert, David Eddings, Micheal Chrichton, Greg Bear, Neil Stephenson, Terry Brooks, Timothy Zahn, Phillip k. Dick, Stephen King, William Gibson and so on.Lately I haven't stuck to any one author or genre. The most recent books I read were the Waste Lands and the Red Badge of Courage.