The proper function of man is to create. To create new, and to create better. Whether he chooses to perform this function with his physical body, or his reasoning mind, is his own choice. An artist uses both.
The life of the mind is infinite, and existence is the attempt to bring that life into physical reality. An artist accomplishes this with his chosen medium; those who fail are not artists, though they are many. They create as they live: as a matter of routine and senseless accident; their lives, and their work, lack significance.
A chosen few understand that art is a great symbol. They understand that, in the absence of creation and growth, there can only be death. They grant their lives significance, and their creations are a statement of that life. These are the true artists, the minority, and the only segment of the population with whom we are concerned.
Invivity is a statement of love for life, and music - as an expression of that love. In order for our love to grow, we must take great risks and refuse to compromise, defying established rules and protocol. In the words of noted philosopher, Ivan Tegradid, "Convention is a religion followed by those afraid of progress."
By casting aside the conventions cemented by blind allegiance to arbitrary routine, and supporting our own efforts with pride and passionate spirit, we will achieve a great rebirth of our art form.
Invivity is for all lovers of music who create for their own sake, who create new, who create better; music as an end in itself, not as the means to some other end.
Music is a magnificent, ancient forest, but forests die. While others are clear-cutting, the true artists are planting new seeds.