The musical world is flat. Like the playing field of global economics, sharing one’s music has become a simple initiative and imperative to rock 'n' roll’s own economy, making music more accessible than ever. The ozone may be rotting away and shattering the shingles of Midwestern homes, but the blogosphere has welcomed the careers of some of indie rock's heaviest hitters to date. With this rapid accessibility to new music, it’s almost like being constantly punched in the face by new bands and fresh sounds. But every now and then, a band walks through the door that makes the jukebox come to a halt, forcing everyone in the room to stop and take a look. For Real Detroit Weekly, that certain special someone is Chicago’s own (but Michigan inspired) Northpilot.In August of 2006, Travis Shaver and Mark Colwell decided to kick the collegiate burrito to the curb and leave East Lansing in their wake, making way for the larger stomping grounds of Chicago. After a history of performing together in various forms back home, a natural chemistry blossomed with the addition of Chicago residents (also by way of Michigan) Matt Cragnolin and Dan Julian — Northpilot was born. An up-and-coming outfit that has thrived off the same viral media tactics that are now standard practice for toddler bands, Northpilot has managed to stand tall in a thick ocean of talent by combining dark, intricate melodies with a live show that rivals being shot through a cannon into a brick wall of sound and a vocal styling that evokes the same chilly spirit of Coldplay’s Chris Martin.
- Real Detroit Weekly
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Myspace blog bad. Northpilot Blog good.