Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
(804) 397-6939 Karamel Entertainment ATTN: (CEO)Leroy Wilkins,Jr P.O. Box 23181 Richmond,VA 23223email [email protected] or [email protected]
Want some cd's /T-shirts/ Concert Tickets /Video's/ and great Promotions stuff then join,and support Karamel Video Jams Fan club : Every month get a gift package for your support:(6months) $19.95 (1year) $29.95Join Now: Send Check or Money order :Karamel Video JamsP.O. Box 23181 Richmond,VA 23223Different gift package every month.
If you are an artist and looking for the right promotion team hola at me .Im connected with TV , radio ,retail , and the Clubs.
You can watch Karamel Video Jams on Both Comcast Cable stations airtimes:Comcast Cable Richmond Channel 95 every Friday /Sat/Sun /Monday 11pm-midnightComcast Cable Chesterfield Channel 17 Every Friday 11pm-midnight
Help support Karamel Video Jams(Music Video Show) Order Now (2hour) DVD video "The Best Of Karamel Video Jams" Lil Wayne, and more "Only $12.95" Send check or money order to Karamel Video's P.O. Box 23181 Richmond , VA 23223
My Mother / Sister / Older people that give me advice. Pass Teachers and my Pastor