PRO RASSLING!!!! I love to sing powwow and round dance. I also love to work out and hang out with my wife Tara and my son Caige.
I like hip hop, R & B, rap, metal, and powwow. I don't really have any favourites- love them all. Northern Cree is bad ass. Bear Creek, White Fish Jrs, Wild Horse, The Boyz, Midnight Express, and a whole bunch of others too
I Like to Hurt People (look it up)
WWE TV programs, TNA Impact, Family Guy, The Boondocks, Sons of Butcher, Futurama, The Wrong Coast
Pure Dynamite
Wahoo McDaniel, Dynamite Kid, Jim Thorpe, Clifford Starr, Sol Sanderson, Lawrence Joseph, Dave Ahenakew, Eddie Guererro, Chief Jay Strongbow, Chief Jules Strongbow, Bad News Allen, The Great Gama Singh, Champagne Gerry Morrow, The Cuban Assassin, Dutch Lerat, Tatanka, Jack and Jerry Brisco, Les Goforth, Jordin Tootoo, Gordon McGilivray, Kenny Pooyak, Gordon Tootoosis, Elgin Scabbyrobe, Terry Paskemin, Bernard Bob, Mark and Jay Youngblood, Len Crazyblood, Noel Starblanket, Wendell Starr, Irvin Starr, Adam Beach, Lite Foot, Harvey Dreaver, the Rock, Roger Aldag, Bob Poley, Pat Fiacco, Francis Green, Terry Hinks, Chris Benoit, Davey Boy Smith, the Hammer Ed Rawlins, ALEX SMITH- "anything worth doing is worth doing right"!