This page is deticated to the Sons of Butcher.
This is also a fan based page.
This is to help get the SOBS back on the air for another season.
Gemini Nomination - Best Animated Series 2007
Gemini Winner - Most Popular Website 2006
You can help out by siging the petition
started by Wendy the superfan:
Send the band a message telling them your love and support for the band:[email protected]
Also the Teletoon Contact Information:
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 1-888-884-8666 or 416-956-2060
TTY: 1-888-835-7808
Head Office BCE Place
181 Bay Street P.O. Box 787
Toronto, ON M5J 2T3
So please send your love for the Sob's their way.
Tell them your obsessions
undying love
and detication for the wiggidest rock band ever to hit teletoon!