I like to camp, hike, kayak, cook, play Chess, Scrabble, take pictures, swim, inline skate and drive. I believe we all have super powers, our known universe is moving through space toward a completely different universe and time is inaccurately measured against the wrong types of events and that most forms of energy have yet to be properly defined and understood by science and other recognized authorities on the subject.
I believe in love, but don't claim to know what to do about it. I believe that if our team doesn't win a game we have a better chance for survival, growth and enlightenment. I believe in sunsets, sunblock, and the night.
I think there are more things to learn than there are to teach. I believe our purpose on earth is to test its ability to survive the worst possible conditions, but only in retrospect.
I have been taking a lot of photos this year. I went back to the Algadones Dunes in Imperial County with AFTER , California and then I flew up to Portland, Oregon and Vancouver, Washington in September 2006. I went camping in the Seqoias and the Kern River area in April and again in October. In November I'll be back in Oregon to start shooting The Falls Project for Rainflower Films. I am also planning a snow camp back in the Seqoias after the second big snow fall.
My Favorites
My favorite colors are deep blue, bright yellow, charcol, maroon, metalic shades of gray, glossy and flat Black. My favorite textures are snake skin, stainless steel, smooth skin, dense foam, rough or smooth wood, tree bark, salt water, water falls, avocado skin, avocado leaves, citrus skin, olive oil on my fingers, raw cookie dough, pie dough, fine grain sand, rough granite stone, smooth driftwood, shell of a clam, smooth dolphin skin, shark skin and the smooth short hair of an adult horse. My favorite foods are pasta, sushi, steak, pork chops, ribs, avocados, Mexican food, tomatoes, onions, garlic, basil, olive oil, beets, carot juice, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, Godiva Chocolate, lasagna, Italian sausage, oysters, clams, lobster, artichokes, strawberries, lime, lemons from a tree and red grapes off the vine. My favorite time is sunrise and my favorite day of the week is Thursday, my favorite month is October and my favorite states are California and Oregon. My favorite foreign countries are Italy, Japan, Austria and Austrailia. My favorite animals are snakes, fish, tigers, panthers, wolves, bats, eagles, hawks, humming birds, Japanese koi, jelly fish, the green iguana, spiders, big dogs, cows, whales, octopus and the Seal-point Siamese cat. My favorite companies are Appple, Coke, Microsoft, Enron, Haliburton, Del Taco and Taco Bell (some because I love their products and some because I think they have shaped our economy and we should learn from their leaps, bounds and mistakes). My favorite speakers are Malcom X, Martin Luthor King, Bill Cosby, Robert Evans, Jack Nicholson and Jimmy Stuart. My favorite movies are listed at my web site: markdoty.com - My favorite directors are also there. My favorite movie producer / studio exec. is Robert Evans. My favorite shapes are circle and triangle. My favorite number set is 27. My favorite mathematic theory that I have come up with is that the answers to devision problems are incomplete. For example: 6 divided by 2 is actually six. It requires and additional process of subtraction to then remove one of the groups of 3 to arrive at the desired answer of three. We have to keep this a secret, because we don't want to hurt the minds of educators around the globe. They aren't accustomed to using experimental thought.
Eros: Equilibrium
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