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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'd like to say a million things but opinions differ.Let's just call it a shallow ocean.I love to talk about random.Life is beautiful and can be fun as long as you let it.

My Interests

my dog's.oh & www.killprocess.com

I'd like to meet:

I like to think of myself as a people person so anyone who can put up with my shit.People who are who they are and accept it,the one's that love the mirror and know what they see.


What's on your playlist? Music is the greatest gift that us as the human animal has ever given each other...you gotta love all of it!Anything makes sense when it move's you,there's a lot of great music out there you just have to find it.


Drama/comedy,& anything thought provoking.


C.S.I.(new york,miami,VEGAS),Monk,S.V.U.,B.H.90210(you know you loved it),I watch way to much telivision.Food 911,easy entertainig,good eat's,and any interresting thing The Food Network has to offer.Bill Curtas Is god,wish he was my godfather.I could keep going but the second phrase should let you know that my D.V.R. is about to explode.


Classic lit,visionary poet's. Anything by the late great H.P. Lovecraft.I happen to love horror that's my solid.R.I.F.,I was influenced by a beautiful women to start reading again many year's ago and thank her everyday.Reading Poe right now and I gotta say silence comes in a room full of skull's.Again I say R.I.F.


my enemies