MissBlueAngel profile picture


C'mon Lil' Devil be my little Angel..

About Me

a fiery latina gypsy (YES I DO HAVE GYPSY BLOOD!) Passionate about work,life,family,friends etc..I'm honest to a fault, so if you can't handle it then don't ask! been working in the music industry for a thousand years!(both for U.S. and the Latin Market)it has been my number one love-hate, I even ran my own publicity company. I've always worked in the creative field, whether it's with ROCKSTAR hairstylist or computer savvy, web developers, I keep it creative its what makes my heart soar. With the everchanging music industry you got to find ways to make it happen!...What have you done?

My Interests

Rock N' Roll and or music that sings to my soul, sunrises and sunsets by the beach,chocolate chip cookies!(homemade,store bought whatever!),keeping balance in my life,lazy days,reading a good book,kisses,laughing, rollercoasters(whenever possible),Roadtrips/Traveling,hikes,sharp objects and loaded weapons!;), dive bars (the best), pool, poker, gatherings, spending time con mi familía, my 4 yr old mascot (my gorgeous half chow/lab),and my beautiful friends who are their own unique people! they don't follow anyone!!! no trendy shit here!..livin' each and every moment

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who has the will and courage to keep evolving and becoming a better person, oh but NO BAND REQUESTS if I dont know you, you will be denied!I'd love to meet Mr. Yummy, ok Edward Norton... img src="http://media.collegepublisher.com/media/paper932/stills /3dc1fef8d427b-19-1.jpg"


everything and I do mean EVERYTHING...Motley Crue (THE SAINTS OF LOS ANGELES)


Stigmata,Pulp Fiction,House of 1,000 Corpses,Devil's Rejects,300,Volver,Prey for Rock N Roll,Almost Famous,Velvet Goldmine, Rockstar,Strange Days,The Decline of Western Civilization,The Buena Vista Social Club, Y Tu Mama Tambien, Like Water For Chocolate,La Mujer De Mi Hermano,Scarface,GodFather I, II & III,Domino, When Harry Met Sally etc...img src="http://l.yimg.com/img.movies.yahoo.com/ymv/us/img/hv/ph oto/movie_pix/universal_pictures/wanted/wanted_galleryteaser .jpg"


hmmmm tv?? what is TV?... Moonlight,Most Haunted,Grey's Anatomy,Medium, Scariest Places on Earth.....

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this is an endless conversation...


My Dad

My Blog

In Loving Memory...

I'm still in shock, and I'm still trying to find out the details of what happened to you. You were what I consider a genuine, colorful and wonderful human being.  It's been 12 years that I h...
Posted by MissBlueAngel on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 05:15:00 PST

I love...

my insanity...it keeps me balanced...
Posted by MissBlueAngel on Tue, 08 Nov 2005 06:04:00 PST