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About Me

Run to the Midnight Sun 70' North to Tromso in the arctic circle Low Carb Challenge
James' Fundraising Website http://www.justgiving.com/jameslloyd

James' Low Carb Challenge is to travel to 70' North to Tromso in the arctic circle the land of the Polar Bear via the G8 in Germany. When I get to Tromso in Norway I will be running in the midnight sun Marathon! all 26 miles of it.

The Arctic circle is one of the areas already most effected by Danger climate change (remember the polar bear in the Planet Earth programme by David Attenbough). So I will be traveling there by land and sea no planes to show and inspire people about low carbon travel and highlight the effects of dangerous climate change. This Journey will go via the G8 in Germany and then onto arctic circle and back after running this marathon.

I will be promoting this adventure, using it to highlight dangerous climate change through media (all help and ideas welcome), blogs and local talks.

So this is where you come in as it is a bit of an expedition and a Marathon nether of which I am in shape for, I will be training for sixth months till June when this adventure begins. To help me achieve this and future climate change campaigning, I will be fundraising for People & Planet and have set the target of £2500 to raise from individual donations. Plus further Corporate Sponsorship.

This will do two things

1. Motivate me in my 6 months of training, pain and suffering which will include a number of Half marathons in the process before I even start the incredible journey.

2. All the money raised will go to support the really important Education and Campaigning work on Climate Change. I am paying for all the expenses of this journey out of my own pocket! This will maximize the impact the money has on going to support Schools education work and Campaigning to change our society and others internationally in helping to Stop this Climate Chaos!

It would be really great if you could dig deep an sponsor me personally, with you well earned cash, but also tell others about this adventure and see if your companies and friends could sponsor on this great cause and Journey.

Please support me by visiting and telling others about my fundraising page and associated journey and cause.

James' Fundraising Website http://www.justgiving.com/jameslloyd

ps in case you had not noticed I work as a campaigner where I spend all day talking to others about Climate Change, HIV/AIDS treatment or the finer points to Fairtrade.

But no point going on about that just click the link...
People & Planet campaigning with a difference

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

People who Care...

My Blog

A proposal for a think tank for the Student Movement.

AgitateI. To move, excite.2. To move to and fro, shake3. To disturb, perturb, or excite (the thoughts and feelings). 4. Hence, To perturb or excite (a person) in mind or feelings; to stir up, excite, ...
Posted by Lloyde on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 09:06:00 PST

Carbon offsetting arrrhhhhhh

Oh lets give this a context, this evening I went to lecture about carbon offsetting. It was a debate between Larry Lohman and Mike Mason organized by COIN (climate outreach information network) they a...
Posted by Lloyde on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 03:54:00 PST

More Weapons finds...

 A public school teacher was arrested at Gatwick Airport as he attempted to board a flight while in possession of a ruler, a protractor, a set square, a slide rule, and a calculator.At a morning ...
Posted by Lloyde on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 04:01:00 PST

The defence of English Blogging

I just typed a wicked blog about blogging and about some interesting experence today lobbing in london and then deleated it..................arh arh arh i want to kill the computer!!!~#@:poqji  ...
Posted by Lloyde on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 01:23:00 PST