SYG - First Vote Green on May 3rd! profile picture

SYG - First Vote Green on May 3rd!


About Me

Scottish Young Greens is the youth and student organisation that of the Scottish Green Party (although most of our members are also members of the green party, you don't have to be - as long as you're not a member of any *other* party!).

We're campaigning on urban 4x4s, student accomodation, votes at 16 and against renewing nuclear weapons, as well as supporting Green candidates - especially the Young Greens that are standing - in the run-up to the Scottish elections on May 3rd.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Join SYG

It's free to join the Scottish Young Greens. Just email [email protected] with these details:

Date of birth
School/College/University & course (if applicable)

...also tell us if you are a member of the Scottish Green Party, and make this declaration (which, btw, has to be true!):

"I wish to join the Scottish Young Greens. I am under 30 or in education. I am not a member of a political party (other than a Green party)."

Even if you don't want to join, you can still be our friend on MySpace, Bebo and Facebook .


The Scottish Greens' election broadcast, presented by The Book Group's Scottish BAFTA winner (and face of Scott's porridge oats) Rory McCann and Taggart star Colin McCredie, with voiceover from Green Wing's Michelle Gomez.


Green Wedge